NAUI Wowie
. No. When you enter in bouyant condition, you are by definition out of control. The force of entry drives you underwater with considerable force, the before you can do much of anything, your excess bouyant force drive you back to the surface, probably in a head up position. This does not keep you safe from a propellor or rudder
this is false. if you back roll off a boat you are already within two feet of the water. You will not sink unless you try to do a full flip. you may go under a foot maybe two feet at most and only a part of you. backrolling is almost in the water already. otherwise you giant stride.
you are not out of control in a positively boyant condition you are actually SAFE. In control ON the surface. maybe if you are a large human and have a LOT of weight you drop three feet. and are instantly back up and by the way you dont backroll of the BACK of a boat so you are beside the boat IN control and boyant away from a prop.
so much wrong with all of this.