Running a red light (Not for queasy stomachs)

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CLICK HERE (safe version)The pedestrian was declared dead at the scene and started to breathe spontaneously in the ambulance. He was trapped UNDER the Subaru. The movie was caught by cameras designed to catch people who run red lights.
wow, I still have about 2 more years till I turn 16. I'm getting scared of driving already!
It happened in Dayton... other than the movie, I don't have a link to how he is doing... but I think they expect him to be fine. He was "fully rescuscitated" by the time the made it to the hospital, whatever that means.
My 15 yo watched it three times with his mouth open Steve. Fear is the beginning of all wisdom.
Make him watch it a few dozen more times. Be sure to mention words like "speeding," "alcohol," "inattention," "distraction," "seatbelts" - which reminds me - you probably don't know how the driver in the rollover fared? There was a bad wreck here today where a 10 year old and an adult woman were ejected and critically injured in a rollover because they were not wearing seatbelts. Don't know yet if either will survive.
She went into the same hospital as the pedestrian... I don't think she was ever on life support. Of course this was the PT Cruiser's fault, and he got away with few injuries... but I am sure he has some emotional scars.
I would realy question a fully rescusitiated. Seen lots of dead ones let loose with the final expulsion of air and people freak and think they are still alive. And with enough epi, ya can get a pulse from a tomato.
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