Rules for doing a Maui Shore dive

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I ordered the torpedo float from the website last I can use it for other drift dives on the Colorado River and at Lake Mead.

But "Thanks" for all the information guys....I will play it safe and dive with a flag..
I ordered the torpedo float from the website last I can use it for other drift dives on the Colorado River and at Lake Mead.

But "Thanks" for all the information guys....I will play it safe and dive with a flag..

I have a similar float. One of the things I do is attach a couple of fishing sinkers to the places on the bottom. This also helps the flag to stay upright.
I would plan on toting a flag... it's a hell of a lot better than a head wound! I always have a flag on my dives. My customers safety is paramount. I don't play games with the DLNR guys either. I'm a professional diver and that's the way professionals are expected to dive. The agency requires it and so does the law. If you are going to come to dive our island, please follow our rules or expect some serious stink-eye from the locals. Anyone here who tells you to work around the law is misleading you. If you can't comply, hire a guide to keep you legal and safe.
I would plan on toting a flag... it's a hell of a lot better than a head wound! I always have a flag on my dives. My customers safety is paramount. I don't play games with the DLNR guys either. I'm a professional diver and that's the way professionals are expected to dive. The agency requires it and so does the law. If you are going to come to dive our island, please follow our rules or expect some serious stink-eye from the locals. Anyone here who tells you to work around the law is misleading you. If you can't comply, hire a guide to keep you legal and safe.

Wow, Doug.... easy there..... I would expect a dive op from a shore dive to be 100% legal. And nothing less, I was mearly asking for reference for a personal shore dive.

I would HOPE that NO-LOCAL would give me stink eye~!!!!! I have surfed for years in San Diego, and there is no way I would surf in Hawaii ever again after the run in I had with some local there. This falls right into the whole stereo typing that locals have with outsiders. YOU have a bad reputation for how you treat mainlanders as well as breaking into any rental car out there cus you "Think" you deserve it. Last I knew we were ALL in the United States together.

It ticks me off the way you treat a Haole, but yet you let the Japanese run all over you guys...

Guess I wont be using you guys to dive with after your comments!!!!
Doug is relatively unique, even amongst the professionals on Maui in that he actually tows the dive flag with him throughout the dive. Many instructors and DMs just haul it a few feet offshore and tie it off, and then pick it back up on the way in.

If you have new divers or discover scuba divers in a group, there is a good chance that at some point, someone is going to cork up to the surface. The dive flag adds safety. Shaka Doug clearly feels a flag, above the group at all times during the dive, is a vital safety device. I respect that he goes to the additional effort it takes to really use a dive flag rather than just doing the token compliance that most instructors do. His post above is passionate, not hostile.

OTOH, I have never had to surface prematurely during a shore dive, and am willing to take the slight additional risk of not having a flag (and slight risk of a ticket) vs the hassle of towing a flag. I haven't gotten any stink-eye from the true locals, since they rarely use flags, nor from the haole instructors, since most of them cut corners and simply anchor the flag a few yards offshore and often don't bother to bring it back onshore during the SI between dives.
On a couple of rare occasions I have had instructors make snide comments about my lack of a buddy, but never about the lack of a flag.
Wow, Doug.... easy there..... I would expect a dive op from a shore dive to be 100% legal. And nothing less, I was mearly asking for reference for a personal shore dive.[/I]

Yes, so would I. However, as Charlie pointed out, most operators / instructors simply tie off their flags. Many leave them in the water when they are on shore too. That is not the way it is supposed to be done by the "Professionals". I have no idea what your level of diving is, but pro or not, you should take the flag. It's for your safety.

I would HOPE that NO-LOCAL would give me stink eye~!!!!! I have surfed for years in San Diego, and there is no way I would surf in Hawaii ever again after the run in I had with some local there. This falls right into the whole stereo typing that locals have with outsiders. YOU have a bad reputation for how you treat mainlanders as well as breaking into any rental car out there cus you "Think" you deserve it. Last I knew we were ALL in the United States together.

It ticks me off the way you treat a Haole, but yet you let the Japanese run all over you guys...

How I treat a haole?? Are you kidding me? I am one of the friendliest people you will ever meet here! I am the haoles ally. I'm a haole too, bro! I'm very sorry if you took my post as an attack. Again, as Charlie said, I wrote with passion not hostility. You were not the only person who made comments here. I am addressing everyone that made a post. By the way, I have never broken into any rental car, ever.

If I told you how many times I've gotten stink-eye around here your head would spin. There are many locals who dislike divers interfering with their fishing and beach activities. I've had rocks thrown at me and my group while underwater (from above on the cliffs!), I've been threatened in the parking lots, I've had run-ins at the entry / exits too. All I'm saying is try to comply with the rules here and you will be less likely to have problems. Do you have any idea how many "tourists" or "haoles" show up here and do things "their way"? (Look for the bumper stickers that say "We don't care how you do it on the mainland") Do you have any idea how much trespassing takes place? (Five Caves dive site is a prime example). How much disregard for the locals happens? This is how you end up getting stink-eye. Many times it stems from the person giving it, not getting it. You might think you are totally in the right (and legitimately are) but the local boy doesn't see it that way and decides he wants to make you feel uncomfortable. I've seen it too many times. I'm just trying to give you a "heads up" warning.

Guess I wont be using you guys to dive with after your comments!!!![/I]

That's your choice and I'm totally OK with it. It's also your loss too. Your original post made it sound like you were going on your own anyway. There are few people around here that have the experience and expertise that I do, especially when it comes to shore diving. You'll see when you get here. Please at least introduce yourself to me if you see my Scubabus at the dive sites. I'd like to meet you and make things right. As I said, my comments were not directed at you as an attack. They were in response to all of the posts on this thread, especially the ones who basically said it's "OK to "Fudge" on the flag".

Our local government (ie: Maui County Parks Department) has charged me as someone who is responsible for "Policing" my industry (Shore Diving). It is my duty to make sure that people comply with their rules (which include local, county and state laws). As an Ocean Recreational Activity Permit holder, I am expected to follow the rules, advise others of the rules, and make complaints against people who violate those rules. I am one set of eyes and ears for the county and they rely on folks like me to help them with their job of controlling the beach activities and making sure everything goes smoothly. Just doing my job. Believe me, I would prefer it if they could handle this on their own but they can't. So here I am, spreading out some information and trying to make it easier on everyone. I know you don't want a ticket and I'm sure you don't want a head wound from a boat prop! I've seen two victims of diver/boat collisions during my 22 year career as a diving pro. I never want to see that again!!!

I hope you have a nice trip to Maui and let me know if you need a can borrow one of mine.
Doug, I can appreciate your comments...

1. The title of my thread was "Rules" for shore diving.... I was looking for the rules/laws for doing a shore dive.... not asking for how to divert from them.

2. My plans are to do a couple of boat dives and then a number of shore dives.... so I am looking for a dive op to do the boat dives with. As for the shore dives, yes, it would be nice to have local knowledge, but half the fun is also discovering things on your own.

3. I own a low profile race boat, and have been going to the Colorado River since I was a kid, so believe me, I have seen my share of water related accidents and deaths.

Last, If I see your bus, I will be sure to swing by and say "Hi" and if its the end of your dive, offer you a beer.
1. The title of my thread was "Rules" for shore diving.... I was looking for the rules/laws for doing a shore dive.... not asking for how to divert from them.

OK, here is a "rule" for Hawaii...While typically legal, spearfishing on scuba is frowned upon by the locals.

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