1) your chances of seeing large animal species in the north are small to very small, but you will see abundant coral and plenty of smaller species.
2) "North and Ras Mohamed", if you are departing from Hurghada, will usually involve wrecks (strait of Gubal, Abu Nuhas) and reefs (Ras Mohamed), perhaps 50-50, even.
3) I'm pretty sure that, weather permitting, the route will include the Thistlegorm and Shark & Yolanda Reef in Ras M. The latter is one of my favourite dive sites ever. I've dived it a dozen times and will not tire of it. December will typically mean fewer boats so a more pleasant experience, overall.
4) Being winter, you won't have the massive presence of schooling fish in Ras Mo but it should still be very nice, in my opinion.
Hi Parlem, thank you for these insights!
Yes, we're departing from Hurghada. The has responded with more detail on the itinerary, they've listed the following, focusing largely on wrecks (it seems to overlap a lot with the locations you've mentioned):
1. Thistlegorm
2. Abu Nuhas (4 wrecks)
3. Dunraven
4. Shark & Jolanda
5. Tiran
6. Jackson Reef
I'm looking forward to it now. Wrecks is my favorite type of diving. I was looking forward to finally diving with longimanus and hammerhead, but alas.