AS usual, THE MAN attempts to have the upper hand. So Im done with this Blogging, a simple question has now become ENGLISH 101, Walter Im sorry that I offended you with the improper verbage in my original Blog. I forgot, especially since I dont EVEN know U, how PERFECT YOU MUST BE. I poseda simple question, robbery/ burgarly and I get slammed. So if u dont like my use of the English Language, quit blooging on my Blog, I would be 100% happy to be seen with myself. As for spending My hard earned American dollars on and in Bonaire I will continue inspite of the incident, can I use this word or is it incorrect?, : 10/07 someone incidenttly came into the house that we rented in Bonaire and rempved our personal items for their benefit. I have changed the context of my wording of the incident to please some PERFECT MAN ,UGGHH, named Walter.
THe original question was has or was or is there anything being done about INCIDENTS happening on Bonaire. but it seems all the MEN answering the question must have the supremest BUMS leaving the last word adn correcting an innocently enough posed question. Walter
get a life adn a drinK!!!!!
THe original question was has or was or is there anything being done about INCIDENTS happening on Bonaire. but it seems all the MEN answering the question must have the supremest BUMS leaving the last word adn correcting an innocently enough posed question. Walter
get a life adn a drinK!!!!!