Roatan Report

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Diver Lori

Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
# of dives
500 - 999
Just got back from Roatan late last night.

Overall Personal Ratings: class of 1 to 10; 1 being terrible, 5 being average, 10 being stellar

Resort: 7
Food: 3
Diving: 5
Dive operation: 8

Overall satisfaction rating: 7

I found the diving to be only average. I've been places that were much better and healthier. (Costa Rica, Cayman Brac, Little Cayman, British Columbia) After hearing all the accolades on the diving, I was a bit disappointed (only a little, mind you). The dive operation at Fantasy Island was very complaints. They were very organized, boats were well equipped, (O2, first aid, drinking water, fruit, towels) not overcrowded, and the divemasters were very helpful and attentive (Darren & Rocky). The reefs seemed to be rather barren of life....only saw small stuff to speak of....nothing big, no large schools etc. Maybe overfished by the people of the island?

The resort was very clean and welll maintained. Our room was made up daily, drinking water provided daily to our room, staff very courteous overall save one. I wasn't impressed with the events coordinator. She was rarely available and always seemed to be on break, at lunch or detained wherever. The food in the resort left alot to be desired. This was OKAY with me as I'm struggling to maintain my goal weight and I usually gain weight on vacations....not this time, I was actually pleased the food was so-so.

We hit all the major dive sites....Mary's, Calvin's, wrecks, etc.

I did see an odd animal I've never heard of before....they are all over the resort. Kinda a cross between a chipmunk, a squirrel and a rat. I'm sure from the rodent family.....maybe even a little marsupial in there too. It was a "neque"....I plan to google it later.

That's about it. We did do the dolphin snorkel at AKR. Very informative and interesting and avoided being soaked for the "picture memory" CD. I was disappointed that I left my new LLBean shorts and swimsuit in the changing room....we were rushed to get back to the main AKR dock. When I called up there later, no one could find them....oh well. I hope someone who found them is deserving.

Thanks for the report - I'm going w/ a friend in one month, and staying at FI. I'm curious though, did you comment to the DM & captian about your observation regarding lack of sea life? I've heard good things about both FI & Cocoview in that they will take you about anywhere you want (like a longer trip to West End or the north side of the island ??). Also, how did your travel experience go - luggage arrive ok for you (& others at the resort)?
Yes, we were taken to the West End, it was only marginally better. We flew down on Continental all the way and were very pleased. Flights on time, luggage arrived okay. We flew through Houston and were anticipating a major traffic jam at Customs/Immigration in Houston, but were pleasantly surprised. Houston was the best experience we've had for Customs since we've been traveling out of the country. The lines moved quickly, baggage claim was quick and painless as was putting it back into circulation after inspection. I guess those Texans have alot of experienc moving livestock through chutes and apply it to their airport Customs/Immigration??? LOL
Diver Lori:
I did see an odd animal I've never heard of before....they are all over the resort. Kinda a cross between a chipmunk, a squirrel and a rat. I'm sure from the rodent family.....maybe even a little marsupial in there too. It was a "neque"....I plan to google it later.

FIBR has cultured a colony of Watusa, a critter of the bunny rabbit family. There is also another colloquial name for them, but I'm having a senior moment. They have dark, bristly hair and thrive on coconut.
Nice report. Very detailed. I thought FI would have been better than what you explained. Maybe it was the time of year or something. I hope anyways. It is still good to go diving.
Diver Lori:
I did see an odd animal I've never heard of before....they are all over the resort. Kinda a cross between a chipmunk, a squirrel and a rat. I'm sure from the rodent family.....maybe even a little marsupial in there too. It was a "neque"....I plan to google it later.

FIBR has cultured a colony of Watusa, a critter of the bunny rabbit family. There is also another colloquial name for them, but I'm having a senior moment. They have dark, bristly hair and thrive on coconut.

Have a gander at this "Huatusa" (nutria) :

...or just hop on over :wink:
Lori, we were on the same flight as you, as we just got back Sat. night. I'm planning to post a trip report on Luna Beach where we stayed (on the West End) as soon as I get done weeding through all of the pictures. I will second your comments on the sea life in Roatan, as we were also quite suprised at the overall lack of it. We saw plenty of turtles and smaller fish, but nothing like we have experienced on Bonaire and Curacao. Maybe the time of year? Anyway, thanks for the report!
Same flight? It was a small plane with only a handful of did I miss you?
What was bad about the food? We are leaving for FI next week. Do I need to pack a bunch of Pepto tabs?

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