Roatan/Belize Weather... how to predict it! (maybe:)

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Was RoatanMan
Rest in Peace
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Chicago & O'Hare heading thru TSA 5x per year
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I'm going to go out on limb here. Since everybody asks how the weather is going to be during their trip 9 months from now, lets's all look at the classic weather pattern that is setting up 13 January, 2005. It's called a "Norther "

A big Arctic Push will descend upon the upper MidWest and press as far South as Texas, bringing snow to that great state over the weekend 15 & 16 January. We should see single digits in the Northern Plains States (IL,WI,IA,MN).

See current US Weather at

A few days later, Sun-Mon, the weather in Belize (Cancun, Coz) and the Bay Islands will turn rough with winds from the North.

Here's a satellite image of the Western Caribbean:

That's how you predict weather in the Western Caribbean. (Other than looking outside the window) We'll see.

You can see what did happen at:

Weather: Try

Here's the latest sightings both below the water and in the skies.... from the South side of Roatan:

This is the end of the rainy season. It seems to have a very long end.
I really enjoy the Weekly Log. Not only can I see what the weather is doing but there's photos and a weekly report. Very cool!

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