1. Lets face it, cylinder explosions are relatively rare. That being said, over 90% of cylinder explosions occur while filling. I have never denied the 'right' of a fill station operator to refuse to fill the tank (its their life at risk), I am only questioning the merit in certain cases.
2. In the early 80's, Luxfer was presented with the challenge of multiple cylinder ruptures due to sustained load cracking. They discovered their base alloy 6351 was at risk and that a different alloy (6061) was more durable. Following this discovery, DOT determined that a 6351 with NO signs of SLC does not need to be removed from service but ANY sign is enough to condemn the cylinder. This is why it is absolutely necessary for the cylinders to have a thorough inspection. I think most of us know that plenty of facilities perform inspections without proper training and slap stickers on. I think there needs to be more regulation in this part of the industry and serious fines should be imposed through a proactive agency, not a reactive one like OSHA. I am, honestly, skeptical of any 6351 that I or one of my colleagues did not inspect because I know that our inspections on those tanks are given 2 inspections by 2 people using PSI standards...
3. Steel tanks are prone to rupturing just as AL tanks are. One of the biggest problems in the industry is a recording problem as NO facility is required to report a cylinder explosion; this is why it is impossible to get a solid number of cylinder explosions per year. That being said, the last 2 cylinder explosions have been steel.
4. Eddy Current can only be used on 6351 AL's not on any other alloy. The Visual Plus 3 can also be used on 6061 but, to my knowledge, it is not calibrated very well.
5. I have heard of places claiming it is illegal to fill 6351 cylinders or condemning them when receiving them for a visual...is this not defrauding the customer and illegal?
6. I will not refuse to fill a 6351 unless I have probable cause not to. When I do, I tell the customer that I will lend them a rental tank until I am done inspecting the tank. This is the procedure I do with all tanks...When my gut barometer goes sour, I don't fill.