Braunbehrens once bubbled...
The figures I gave are for how much load it takes to break or bend the anchor, both flukes held near the tip.
Did they test with one fluke caught, which is how I've seen most damaged? And/or pulling to one side rather than straight up?
That anchor ball looks interesting, aside from my worry about wrapping the rode around the prop. Did that once with an outboard and that was enough. Don't even want to think about it now that we've an inboard. The sail drive postions the prop nice and deep, just aft of the keel (think of a short shaft outboard mounted through the bottom, just aft of the keel, with the leg/engine joint postioned in line with the hull). I've dove it with just a mask, it would be quite a chore to clear if no dive gear (I keep a mask on board, but generally not fins and our home waters rarely get above the low 60's).