"Riding your Computer Up" vs. "Lite Deco"

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You lot should read http://www.dtic.mil/get-tr-doc/pdf?AD=ADA561928 and then see how much you trust all these tables, and especially trust any conclusion reached by looking at tables in the raw.

The main plot line is fudging the parameters to the new algorithm to give appropriate (aka circa 1957) no stop times but with a hope of having a computer match the profile.
The main plot line is fudging the parameters to the new algorithm to give appropriate (aka circa 1957) no stop times but with a hope of having a computer match the profile.

Since this is the Advanced section - I want to ask the question. Does anyone go past 60 feet and not do a safety stop or use a computer? Anyone? I know we are saying No Stop Times and tables but that does not jib with how we dive does it?
Being in a cold water climate - I can't imagine anyone in NJ not doing a Safety Stop of some magnitude if they are diving below 60 feet with or and especially without a computer.
Not sure that read was enlightening but maybe I need to reread it more slowly. I skimmed over some sections to get to the conclusions and recommendations.

***** Added *****
Did a quick look at Version 7 tables 120 feet for 15 mins. Ran it on the Perdix Planner using 45/95 - 3 min stop at 20 feet.
Seems in line with what would be a normal dive.
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Since this is the Advanced section - I want to ask the question. Does anyone go past 60 feet and not do a safety stop or use a computer? Anyone? I know we are saying No Stop Times and tables but that does not jib with how we dive does it?
Being in a cold water climate - I can't imagine anyone in NJ not doing a Safety Stop of some magnitude if they are diving below 60 feet with or and especially without a computer.
Not sure that read was enlightening but maybe I need to reread it more slowly. I skimmed over some sections to get to the conclusions and recommendations.

***** Added *****
Did a quick look at Version 7 tables 120 feet for 15 mins. Ran it on the Perdix Planner using 45/95 - 3 min stop at 20 feet.
Seems in line with what would be a normal dive.

Most dives. I have only used a bottom timer for the past 5 years or so. I use a min deco ascent for any fun dives where I don't go into deco. The only time I use a standard 3 min safety stop is if I'm teaching or diving with one of my new-ish diver mates.
Most dives. I have only used a bottom timer for the past 5 years or so. I use a min deco ascent for any fun dives where I don't go into deco. The only time I use a standard 3 min safety stop is if I'm teaching or diving with one of my new-ish diver mates.

Not all of us have trained with an agency the defines "min deco ascent." Can you explain what that means? I have had the impression that "min deco" includes some kind of safety stop, but your post makes it sound like a min deco ascent does not include any safety stop.
Since this is the Advanced section - I want to ask the question. Does anyone go past 60 feet and not do a safety stop or use a computer? Anyone? I know we are saying No Stop Times and tables but that does not jib with how we dive does it?
Being in a cold water climate - I can't imagine anyone in NJ not doing a Safety Stop of some magnitude if they are diving below 60 feet with or and especially without a computer.
Not sure that read was enlightening but maybe I need to reread it more slowly. I skimmed over some sections to get to the conclusions and recommendations.

***** Added *****
Did a quick look at Version 7 tables 120 feet for 15 mins. Ran it on the Perdix Planner using 45/95 - 3 min stop at 20 feet.
Seems in line with what would be a normal dive.

On a boat dive, where I'm leaving the bottom and heading for the surface, I always do a safety stop. On a (much more common for me) shore dive, I never have, because I spend so much of the dive at safety stop depth or less any way, along with slowly working my way up the slope from whatever depth I got to during the dive. There are a couple of shore dives in this area that might require a safety stop because they have a very steep drop-off, but I haven't dove that area yet.
Not all of us have trained with an agency the defines "min deco ascent." Can you explain what that means? I have had the impression that "min deco" includes some kind of safety stop, but your post makes it sound like a min deco ascent does not include any safety stop.

A minute at half max depth, with a minute at 12, 9, 6, and 3. Although I tend to do a 5,4,3,2,1 ascent for the last 6m, but that's more us mucking about as opposed to anything else. So a dive to 30m would look like this:
30 minutes at 30m
Ascend to 15m at 9m/minute, pause for a minute
Ascend to 12m for a minute
Ascend to 9m for a minute
Ascend to 6m for a minute
Ascend to 3m for a minute
A minute at half max depth, with a minute at 12, 9, 6, and 3. Although I tend to do a 5,4,3,2,1 ascent for the last 6m, but that's more us mucking about as opposed to anything else. So a dive to 30m would look like this:
30 minutes at 30m
Ascend to 15m at 9m/minute, pause for a minute
Ascend to 12m for a minute
Ascend to 9m for a minute
Ascend to 6m for a minute
Ascend to 3m for a minute

Thanks. And, pardon my ignorance again, what is a 5,4,3,2,1 ascent? All I can think is 5 minutes at 6m, 4 minutes at 5m, 3 minutes at 4m, etc.. Which means 15 minutes for the last 6 meters. Which seems like a lot of time after only doing 30:00 at 30m (plus all those other stops during the ascent). So, I'm thinking it means something different. 1 minute at 6, 1 at 5, 1 at 4, etc..? I.e. a 1m/min ascent from 6m?
So for those that said a bottom timer - is it fair to say you are structured and have thought out your dive plan? In other words you are not just going for a bimble below 60 feet without a plan or an idea of how deep and how long you will be staying -using a watch - bottom timer - computer or some aid in helping you determine your stay at a specific depth below 60 feet.
I should have been a bit more specific. :)

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