restroom in a drysuit.....

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Oh yeah, I forgot about that idea.. they have "Magic Cone" products at REI. Its a paper funnel thing so you can pee standing up. The website has recently been upgraded to look more sophisticated, which is too bad as the original site was all cartoons complete with a cartoon video of how to use the "cone".

Magic Cone Site
I just got my drysuit a few months ago. I think this is the worst issue associated with it.

Here's what I have found that works for me: Hydrate really well the day before. The day of the dives I don't drink as much as I would wearing a wetsuit. I then use a incontience pad (not as big as depends but larger than a menstrual pad) just in case I can't get everything off fast enough. I strip down and use the bathroom between each dive. So far, it has seemed to work and I've had no 'accidents'. Peeing in my drysuit accidently would be icky (hence the incontience pad) and I haven't gotten myself to the idea of the Depends yet.

Good luck.
One more option for women I've heard mentioned is 'urinary pouch'. I asked around how reliable these would be (trying to avoid ending up in depends here too) but nobody had tried. I think the company that makes these is called Hollister.

Basically how the thing looked like was... umm... bag with tape strips and a sealable tap on the bottom. I would assume liberal shaving would be expected. The benefit - if the contraption holds - is that you can connect an 'exhaust hose' into the baggie, and thus empty it during SI somewhat easily. Also, an extra pee bag can be connected to the first bag via that same connection point, so if you are blessed with sizable bladder, you wont have a huge ball hanging between your legs after relieving yourself. Just tape a second bag to your leg onto more convenient location.... Price for a piddle was high though since I do not assume the bags (because of the taping) are reusable. Minimum 10 buckerones a whizz for what I've seen.

Any experiences of this contraption, anyone? Or the TravelMate for that matter? I considered purchasing it couple of years ago for hiking, should have started practising it then.
Any flexible bag that is located inside your dry suit will be subject to a squeeze. This could end up being messy. Incontinence pads are not that much of a bother.

Mark Vlahos
Mark Vlahos:
Any flexible bag that is located inside your dry suit will be subject to a squeeze.

Oh well.

Mark Vlahos:
This could end up being messy. Incontinence pads are not that much of a bother.

Am I some sort of a freak (!!!) but if I really really need to go in an inconvenient 'location', it usually means my bladder is bursting. This means volumes. I admit to testing some products. I have yet to find one that I would not find both bothersome and inadequate :/ (Like lets talk about overnite extra-super-hyper absorbency with plastic double-cover throw-it-over-your-head- and-lay-still-after-your-done-and-still-leak)
Just had an idea. I've never owned a front entry drysuit so don't know if this will work......but why couldn't someone with a front entry (shoulder to opposit hip zipper) use undies with a relief zipper (I have some) and then one of those "contraptions" that Doc Intrepid was talking about. It might be a little awquard and hard to manage, but would it work?
Doc Intrepid:

There actually IS another option, if you're dead set against wearing Depends.

You can order a drysuit with a "relief zipper". It's essentially a short horizontal zipper that fits across your abdomen, above the crotch of the suit. It looks like this:

(Note that I'm not recommending that drysuit, I simply wanted a photo that showed a relief zipper...)

On the boat during the surface interval, you pop that sucker open and then use one of these little beauties:

Presto, you're feeling 300% better and you don't have to break your seals, strip down to your undies, etc.

Some folks will comment that the relief zipper is another failure point. That's true to some extent, however the relief and convenience that it provides may be enough to offset the requirement to check that its securely zipped before each dive, well-maintained after each dive, etc.

It's a least another option for you to consider rather than the Depends.


Of everything here...this seems to be the best.

The very idea of the "catheter" gets me feeling woozy... However, the model that is shown may be difficult to use. There are several different variations on Feminine Urinary Directors (FUD's). Here's one that has been used for years by female outdoor enthusiasts who envy guys that can "pee on a tree".

The one caveat...practice at home first. You will need to utilize flow control so that unwanted splashing does not occur. In my "previous life" I earned my living as a "gear guru" for REI...and the reviews that I got on this device were amazing. But...the practice time was also noted.

Yep. That looks like it might work.....

Still.....could you use that with a front entry suit without stripping down??
Yep. That looks like it might work.....

Still.....could you use that with a front entry suit without stripping down??

I think the problem is same with most of these flow thingies. They seem to require proper downflow - good positioning to avoid backflow. Especially TravelMate looks very problematic if you have one-piece undies AND plan to just 'whip it out' from the zipper.

At least in my current garments the zippers in jumpsuits tend to end bit higher than my umm 'female jewels'. Add second zipper for drysuit or coming over the edge of hal-stripped drysuit... Restricting flow has been practised (been in sports long enough) but if you are bursting, hurrying, on wavy waters AND trying to stay outta sight it sounds like you have to proceed tongue in the middle of the mouth here. You sure won't be writing your name on the waves with these.

Thanks yet for another link!

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