Are there restaurants in let's say Orlando Florida a very touristy city in the US that have one menu priced for tourists and one for the locals? Maybe there are, I don't know, I'm just asking because maybe this is more prevalent than I realize.
I gotta figure the currency exchange rip off that restaurants do to tourists is probably really just the result of giving locals a loyalty repeat customer discount too then? Or do they have some unwritten lines they don't cross? Where it's okay to rip off a tourist for $10-$15 dollars with the exchange rate on a meal but the higher priced English menu is not a rip off, they draw the line there?
There's no guarantee any local will patronize any business any number of times because of some local discount. As for different pricing for locals/tourists in the USA, I can't think of any restaurant anywhere that does that. However, I know that Disneyworld offers a discounted admission rate to Florida residents.