Restaurant pricing - English vs Spanish

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How about a Canadian dollar exchange rate that is higher than you can get at the bank to attract Canadian business? Common here on the US northern border.
There's no guarantee any local will patronize any business any number of times because of some local discount. As for different pricing for locals/tourists in the USA, I can't think of any restaurant anywhere that does that. However, I know that Disneyworld offers a discounted admission rate to Florida residents.
It's common enough in Hawaii, though few restaurants make it obvious.
It's kinda slimy, it would be like having inflated published prices for medical care and then greatly reducing the actual price for those payers with negotiating leverage but leaving individuals to pay the full inflated prices.
It's kinda slimy, it would be like having inflated published prices for medical care and then greatly reducing the actual price for those payers with negotiating leverage but leaving individuals to pay the full inflated prices.

Ha! In restaurants though you don't have one guy paying the inflated price and 9 others skipping out!

Oh, there is a cash local price in Coz for medical care too. WAY better than the restaurant discount!
Maybe a little off topic but, has anyone found a dive op or hotel charge in pesos?
I always try to find somewhere on the Web but it always knows I'm located in the US and just gives me converted $ prices. And, never have I had a dive op in CZM quote a price in pesos. Anyone have any luck?

To explain a little better, rooms at BA are always $99 US regardless if the conversion rate to pesos is 10:1 or 18:1. In other words the exchange rate is voided out always charging un US $. Same with boat dive prices.
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In Cozumel or anywhere else, I look at the menu, consider what I would be getting, consider what it would cost me, and either go in and eat or take my business down the street. It's no skin off my nose if the restauranteur charges locals less to get their business. He's got the right to run his business any way he wants and I have the right to walk away.

Totally agree with this. This is our second trip to Cozumel. The first time we tried out a variety of restaurants. We found the higher end establishments to be good, but not good enough to be worth what they were charging. So this time we've eaten mostly at the "taco" places, with one or two moderately priced exceptions. We love the local food, so we get what we consider to be a good meal at a good price......and the menus list the items in English and Spanish with prices in pesos. For a change we pick up fruit, veggies, meat, cheese, buns and baked goods at Mega and make our own lunches.
Maybe a little off topic but, has anyone found a dive op or hotel charge in pesos?
I always try to find somewhere on the Web but it always knows I'm located in the US and just gives me converted $ prices. And, never have I had a dive op in CZM quote a price in pesos. Anyone have any luck?

To explain a little better, rooms at BA are always $99 US regardless if the conversion rate to pesos is 10:1 or 18:1. In other words the exchange rate is voided out always charging un US $. Same with boat dive prices.

I have not found that any hotel or dive op won't take payment in pesos, but I've never seen any have rates in pesos. The rates are always in USD and then converted. Depending on the conversion rate they use it could be a good deal to pay in pesos or not. Most dive ops that I've used or know of use whatever the rate is that day when they calculate what you owe in pesos, so you're paying the same rate in either currency.
What in the world has this got to do with honesty or the lack thereof? Merchants are not bound by any sort of code to charge everyone the same price for their wares. There certainly isn't any thing of the sort here in the US, or haven't you noticed?

In Cozumel or anywhere else, I look at the menu, consider what I would be getting, consider what it would cost me, and either go in and eat or take my business down the street. It's no skin off my nose if the restauranteur charges locals less to get their business. He's got the right to run his business any way he wants and I have the right to walk away.

A consumer has the right to view certain business practices as honest/ethical or not, regardless of legality. And the point of this thread is to identify places with these business practices so consumers who view them negatively can walk away, or better yet, not waste time going there in the first place.

Personally, I don't have a big problem with a restaurant having two menus with different pricing levels but if they refuse to give me the Spanish menu on request and only offer the English menu because I'm a gringo then I'm out of there.
..... Most dive ops that I've used or know of use whatever the rate is that day when they calculate what you owe in pesos, so you're paying the same rate in either currency.

I think we are saying the same thing but do not agree you are paying the same rate in either currency.

Their rates are always set in US$, not pesos. Just seems to me they are in Mexico, pay operating cost in pesos, but charge a set fee in US$. Got to think they originally set their budgets and operating costs at a set conversion initially (lets say 10:1) but when the conversion changes to 18:1 they are making much more money (in Mexico) keeping their prices in US$.

Wonder if we would see a US$ price change if the exchange rate changed to 5:1?

Just saying

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