Then lets look at the heat syncing issue these delrin bodys do not transfer heat like aluminum. A backup may need to run for long periods of time where is all that heat going to go?
The thing I can't figure out is why any real tech diver would cheap out on items that could save there life.
The heat sink issue is the same for any LED insert in the Scout body - "H" as well as DIY hacks.
As an anedoctal piece of info: I've run my R2 insert in a 3 C-cell Scout body for 15 - 20 hour long dives, and it's still going strong and brighter than any similar light I've compared it to.
I never claimed to be a "real" tech diver and for those of use still working on purchasing/gathering gear, saving a considerable chunk of change (for gear, diving, training) and still get a serviceable light for my current level of diving. Well, makes sense to me.