Rescue Certification - Dilemma... help?

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with NEW. Properly taught the Rescue course is one of the most important courses you can take.

Whether you take it through PADI or NAUI, (or other); the certifying agency is irrelevant. It is the instructor that is the critical element.

If Krissscuba's experience was as stated, someone got ripped off.

A good rescue class should, as NEW indicated, take some significant time and hands-on in-water work, not to mention substantial lit review, study, and ancillary certs like Red Cross First Aid, CPR, and the DAN O2 course. Its not a small thing, and you don't do it on the quick.

Its better not to do it at all and save your money, than to take a sub-par course simply to buy the card. Wait until you can give it the attention it deserves. You'll get much more out of it that way.

Don't change your work schedule for some Rescue class. You can always take it later. The Rescue class really isn't all that great might just want to save your money.
ElectricZombie once bubbled...
Don't change your work schedule for some Rescue class. You can always take it later. The Rescue class really isn't all that great might just want to save your money.

I have just spent eight months on midnights (same job, I just bumped a guy to my normal afternoon shift and he is going back at the end of the month, YES!) To do Stress and Rescue, DiveCon and my IANTD Advanced Nitrox.

As to Rescue certifications: Where else can you have the fun of an instructor trying to drown you playing "panicked victim", knocking you mask off, grabbing for your reg and all the other related stuff that panicked people do? Oh, but I got to pay him back when he played unconscious victim (same class, different story). That would have been fun even if I never got a certification for it! :)
Thank you everybody for your response. It is odd to me, but it seems like the rescue class that a few of you have taken are a bit more then I have seen. I have talked to a few different shops in my area and where I go to college.

All of them are 2 class room periods and then 2 days of water work.

I already have EFR with AED. I was going to either find a shop that will do rescue with DAN O2, or just take them seperatly.

I don't want to rush through it. I know this is a very important course and there is a lot of work involved. I certainly do not want to make a joke of it just to get some card with my picture on it.

However, my problem is, I really want to get into this summer program next year. Without rescue diver, I am a no go. Unfortunatly the application processes is around december.

OK... how about this. (since it gets a bit colder here in New Jersey.)
For Thanksgiving (my folks would hate this idea) I go to florida for 10days and get my certification then. Could work. If I could find a shop that would do it.
see if you can get the DAN o2 done before the Thanksgiving trip to Florida if it can't be done in the rescue class.

Granted, the folks might hate the idea of you being gone at Thanksgiving, but the truth is all of us parents get over the fact that as life progresses we don't get to see our kids at all the holidays anymore. Make it up to them by spending time with them at Christmas or whatever is the appropriate holiday for your family at that time of year.
from what I understand(I looked into this about two years ago) you must be part of a law enforcement agency or on a fire dept to take the courses they offer. Its for people who are in the search rescue business.
bug once bubbled...
This is kinda a rant. But I guess I am looking for any suggestions.

I REALLY want to get my PADI rescue certification. I was all set in starting the class last Thursday. But since nobody signed up for the class they canned it. So that was GRR :( number one. The LDS said well we are thinking of pushing it back one week. :eek:ut: That would be perfect. That would still give me time to take the class, then do the dive weekend. Pack my stuff up and go back to school!

So I talked to the LDS the other day. They said we are pushing it back 2 weeks. Which means class is now the 21st and 28th. The dive weekend is the 30th and 31st. :eek: :( DAMN! That is not going to work. It would kinda work because classes for me don't start until Sept 8th. But I told my boss I would start work early to help setup the lighting and sound for freshman orientation.

So now I am thinking, well I could blow my boss off and probably let him down. (but getting this certification would put a damper on my next summer's plans) So it is like, do I blow off a part time job and maybe my boss will get over it and not totally hate me for I would like to do in my life.

I called some shops where school is and things just do not line up with my work/class time.

So now my next idea (I need to get the certification by December 1st to apply for this summer thing I want to do). Maybe I can find a shop in Florida, do the book work at school, fly down for a long weekend and get the certification (good idea? bad idea?). Is 2.5 days long enough for all the class work and water work?

if that sounds like it would work does anybody recommend any shops in the Ft. Lauderdale area?

Any ideas would be VERY helpful. Sorry it was kinda long, but I am not sure what to do.


I'm conducting a rescue class in September, if you interested contact me.
1. Diving

2. Sex

3. Work

4. Sex

Diving requires timing with weather and tides, Sex can be donebefore, after, between and even during dives. Work will always be there,...if not, still have diving and sex
Northeastwrecks once bubbled...

Perhaps that's how your class was taught. However, that's not what we do.

Rescue takes 6 weeks of hands on classes and a full weekend of scenarios. EFR and the other first aid certs (DAN O2, AED and Hazardous Marine Critters) takes an additional 5 classes).

Like anything, its a question of the instructor. Find a good one and you'll be happy.

What agency was this and where did you take it at?

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