I guess I never really went into detail on how I asked Mia to marry me... I had been planning it for a few months but without Christi’s help it probably never would have gotten off the ground. Big thanks go out to her and her crew.
To backtrack a little, we had gone to La Cocay last summer and had a wonderful dessert where the chef had spelled out the name of the restaurant in chocolate sauce on the rim of the plate and done a bunch of grapes in fruit sauce. It was beautifully done and it had stayed with me so when I was thinking of a creative way to ask Mia for her hand I thought why not do it that way... have the dessert brought out and have “will you marry me” written on the plate. Now, I had thought this through so many ways... should I have the ring on the plate? What excatly should it say? etc. Then I hit upon the idea that it should be in Spanish. Just for clarification, neither of us know a lick of Spanish. You’d think that after all the trips we take to Coz we would learn at least the basics. Nope, we are lazy gringos, but I digress...
We devised a scheme that we would go to La Cocay for dinner on the night before her birthday (since Mago was going away for a few days). Christi had gotten a cake for the occasion - An “impossible” cake, chocolate with a layer of flan on top. Perfect, Mia LOVES flan! 6 of us were there: Mia, myself, Christi and her crew, Mago, Pedro & Javier. We had the most awesome meal... everything was pure perfection, we kept passing around the plates so we could all try each others dinner. After dinner Mia opened her gifts from Christi and the guys and we were all marvelling at Mago's ingenuity when it comes to putting little things together to make a gift (you can see it in the background of the 1st pic). At this point I was still OK, not nervous at all.
Now the grand finale: For dessert they brought out beautifully decorated plates to all of us but Mia’s had Spanish writing on hers.
I'm sure at this point she must think it has something to do with her birthday. “Oooo” she says and starts to take a picture. Christi tells her to make sure to get a good one because she’ll definitely want to keep it. Meanwhile Javier and Pedro look over the table and start to chuckle (they did not know what was going on either up until this point). Javier then asks Mia if she knows what the plate says. “No”, she answers, “I don’t speak Spanish”. To which I reply “I don’t speak Spanish either but I know what it says, it says... will you marry me?” At which point I get off my chair to get down on one knee and trip, nearly falling over. I then ask her again and place the ring on her finger. Surprisingly she says yes and everybody applauds. I wasn’t at all nervous until I saw the plate coming to the table. The guys had a good laugh at how much I was sweating. The plan worked perfectly, she was completely shocked and surprised.
Once again, thanks go to Christi for her help and to La Cocay for indulging us. The food, flowers and service were all excellent. My new favorite place to go.