My DUI CF200 is a crushed neoprene front entry drysuit. When working with a material that stretches it makes the job much harder. My drysuit also wanted to peel the neoprene layers instead of just being able to heat and peel the old zipper off. It took a very long time to remove the old zipper extremely carefully. I then used MEK to strip much of the old glue off as it was bubbled underneath the layers. Much of the work needed would have been a breeze on a newer suit let alone a TLS350 or similar Tri-lam.
FWIW a clothes iron works better than a heat gun for softening the glue both for removal and installation.
Thanks for clarifying my brain fart!
Excellent tip about the iron! I hadn't thought of that.
Could the old glue have been removed or smoothed with grinding instead of with solvent?
Dave C