Removed Hose Protector from First Stage. Very worried please help

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I just took the hose from the first stage to the second stage off of the first stage to remove the hose protector. The hose and first and second stage are from Halcyon. The reason that I removed the first stage is when I was trying to clean the hoses and fittings after a dive. The hose protector on the first stage was very stiff and was difficult to move to clean.

I decided to remove the protector. When I was trying to remove it I had to pull on the hose. I think I may have pulled the hose to much. I am worried that I may have put to much tension on it.

This first stage and second stage are attached to my 40 CF Stage bottle. They don't get any use during a normal dive, just when I attach them at the start of the dive.

I am really worried that taking the protector of the first stage is going to cause a hose failure. I am also worried that maybe the hose protector was necessary for smooth operation of the joints.

Please help me and let me know if I need to purchase another hose protector and put it on. The one that I tool off is now damaged.

The first stage is a halcyon.

Please help I don't know what I should do
Those protectors are fitted pretty tight how hard was "hard" ? Do u see any strain marks on the hose ? Are there any bubbles coming from it ? Personally I prefer to leave them on. If it looks like the hose has been stressed or anything or it has any leaks then yes replace it. Personally I would probably aire on the side of caution and replace it anyway just so I know for a fact that the hose I'm using is in good shape and for future reference your lds. Likely has a tool they use for that purpose. Also b4 trying to force it try soapy water on it and it should help slide off

Sent from my galaxy S5 Active.
Don't believe that you could have done much damage.

Upon modifying any Halcyon product, you likely put the kibosh on any possibility of DIR Membership status.
Thanks for the replies.

The hose protector was very stiff. I left the protector in the second stage as it is a nice loose fit. The first stage was extremely tight. I took it off. I don't know what the long term or short term repercussions will be.

My fear is that now that the hose protector is off, I will cause the hose to fail very quickly.

---------- Post added July 23rd, 2015 at 07:09 PM ----------

Dog Diver and Doc, do you guys dive with any hose protectors?

I just took the hose from the first stage to the second stage off of the first stage to remove the hose protector. The hose and first and second stage are from Halcyon. The reason that I removed the first stage is when I was trying to clean the hoses and fittings after a dive. The hose protector on the first stage was very stiff and was difficult to move to clean.

I decided to remove the protector. When I was trying to remove it I had to pull on the hose. I think I may have pulled the hose to much. I am worried that I may have put to much tension on it.

This first stage and second stage are attached to my 40 CF Stage bottle. They don't get any use during a normal dive, just when I attach them at the start of the dive.

I am really worried that taking the protector of the first stage is going to cause a hose failure. I am also worried that maybe the hose protector was necessary for smooth operation of the joints.

Please help me and let me know if I need to purchase another hose protector and put it on. The one that I tool off is now damaged.

The first stage is a halcyon.

Please help I don't know what I should do

I don't like hose "protectors" They interfere with easy inspection of the hose, and a can trap salt water at the crimped on end fittings. I don't use any on the dozen + reg sets I have.

Having said that I feel compelled to comment a bit further.

40 cf "stage" bottle? Really? At the risk of offending you it sounds like you need to find a local mentor or qualified instructor. Look for somebody doing the dives you aspire to do. A more experienced diver can help you sort out what really matters and what is of much less consequence.

I dont use them I took them off and threw the protectors away
Cool Hardware, Do you think I should have a larger stage bottle?

80 CF or should I have a smaller one.
I am not trolling the forum.

I actually removed the hose protector and I don't know what I should do.

I take diving very seriously and I care about my safety and my buddys

---------- Post added July 23rd, 2015 at 07:34 PM ----------

I may not be an advanced diver in certain respects. I have alot of questions that may seem stupid but they are questions that I have and are of a concern to me.

---------- Post added July 23rd, 2015 at 07:35 PM ----------

Thanks for taking the time to respond to my questions

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