I was a teacher (HS Math) in norhtern NJ-approx 12 miles from the WTC.
I returned from my first class to hear "a plane had hit the WTC". A TV was on in the workroom, and we saw the second plane "live". When describing my reaction,"Shock" does not cover it at all.
I had to go back and teach a few more classes. When I returned to the workroom, I asked about the Towers, and a colleague told me "they 're both down".
Word was slowly getting out to the students; some tears, some fears-especially among those with friends/families working/living in that area.
After a while, we could see the smoke/dust cloud.
Later, amongst many (thankfully) false rumors, we heard about the attack on the Pentagon, and stories about "another one crashed in Pa."
I remember calling my brother-his wife works near the WTC- she was stuck intraffic on the NJ turnpike, and saw the planes.
After school, some of my colleagues and I converged at alocal sports bar,and watched the several TV -silently, it seemed, as the news stations recounted-over and over-the events of the day.
Later that evening, I heard from friends and family that were Police, Firemen, EMTs, etc, that were heading in to NYC to help with the rescue/recovery.
It is still disquieting to recall that day.