The problem is there is no garantee the lever won't move. And even if it doesn't there is no garantee that it will never free flow with a purge. Moving the reg all the way to the "surface" position gives the best insurance against free flow. Moving the lever all the way to the "dive" position gives the best breathing. It isn't complicated. If you look at a chart of breathing presures the presure only drops slightly neg for a small portion of the inhalation. When shallow you can leave the lever all the way to the "surface" position and maybe notice little difference. When deeper of in high demand situation you will notice it more. We only use the extreme positions of the lever. Using an intermediate position won't hurt anything other that the reg will be more likely to free flow than with the lever all the way to the "surface" position.
This is how I use the regs and with no trouble or ill effect regardless of the fact that Genesis says I don't.
This is how I use the regs and with no trouble or ill effect regardless of the fact that Genesis says I don't.