Well, the last three weeks have been interesting, I'll say that much!
It's one thing for me to have taught reg service in a controlled setting with a uniform set of demo regs and a uniform set of tools. But this is the Wild West!
On the down side, having everyone with their favorite reg to service has meant that recommending tools has probably been absolutely bewildering for those attendees without prior experience. Do I need a hook spanner? What size? What pin size? Oh, I've got a beautiful new Apeks FSR, but it's not quite like the TX100 that preceded it. I need a hook spanner and what!!?? A $50 34mm wrench with a broach for a torque wrench!!? No, can't do that. Well, here's a workaround.
Can I use a luggage scale instead of a $194 dial torque wrench? Sure! Do I need to torque at all? Well...
On the up side, it's going to be fantastic to share video of each of these regs peculiarities over our two long days! The experience will be so much better than a single mfr forum with just a few examples. But getting to the starting line has been frustrating for several folks. Figuring out how to approach this will make things much smoother for Round #2. I guess one could require at least one or two eBay regs of similar design to facilitate early work, but in my mind, learning the similarities amongst all these different brands will clear up a lot of misconceptions about one brand being significantly better than another. And we'll learn which brands are a PITA to service!
Lots of demo regs now set up for class,
so I'll have a close to equivalent example for most any student working on his or her own gear.
And a few that are crusty and untouched, so folks can learn how to disassemble a neglected piece of gear from scratch.
It's been fun lining up basic tools for folks with nothing to start with. I've tracked down some sources that are saving $30-40 total on the basic stuff. I now have commercial accounts with Trident and A-Plus Marine, and of course a longstanding account at McMaster-Carr. Bruce has been very helpful at Scubatools, though we've not been able to secure a discount for our small group. He's still got some of the best specialty stuff around!
One of the fun discoveries was using a 2.5mm crochet hook in lieu of the specialty Apeks tool to remove that tiny hard 2-006 o-ring in the diaphragm balance chamber.
It's all coming together, and I anticipate that once the workspace hurdles have been worked out, the Zoom experience will turn out great!