One SB'er PM'ed:
I’ve been doing my own servicing of old-style XXX regs for some time. I have a solid collection of basic hand and scuba tools and parts, but far from comprehensive. I’m missing some of the more esoteric ones (including a magnehelic). I would like to know what tools will be required. $300 for the class is a good chunk, and if I need $200 worth of tools, that will push it too high, But I don’t want to miss a spot because I’m waiting on a tool list 
Also, what would you recommend for regs to work on? I have plenty of XXX firsts and seconds. I also have my main YYY, but I need them to work perfectly when I’m done, so maybe not the best to use for the class... But those are the style I’m most interested in learning to service at this point.
Feel free to answer in-thread if it would be relevant for others. Thank you!
If you really want to do this course, but funds are tight, drop me a Message. I'm not doing private deals, but once I learn exactly what regs you want to service, we can individually trim tools to the minimum. There are LOTS of workarounds.
For example, ScubaTools socket hex keys are $19 apiece, but an entire set of Chinese knockoffs is $15-30. While you'll need at least one precisely machined one for your DIN bolt (we'll explain why in class), if you're servicing a yoke reg or a junker, you can get by with cheap keys or none at all.
Similarly, if you're one of the dozens that love the Mk5, borrowing a buddy's Makita hand grinder can save you $15 for this critical thin wall socket to torque your delicate turret bolt, by thinning down a cheap automotive deep socket from Home Depot.
Things like this can cut your initial tool cost to $50-$100.
If that gets you over the dollar hurdle into the course, I'll work with you.