Tribolube does seem superior to Chrystolube, but IMO neither is as good a lubricant as silicone grease. I have a big tube of Tribolube and I use it for the couple of regulators that I save for high O2 service. The oil in Tribolube tends to separate from the white PTFE carrier. Tribolube is an excellent lubricant and is my preferred choice for high O2 applications.
Again the consistency and lubrication properties of silicone grease are fantastic and they stay the same for decades.
I don't like silicone grease because it is very difficult to degrease it completely.
This is one of the reasons why I prefer silicone grease. I can lubricate an O-ring and it stays well lubricated 10, 20, or even 40 years later. I have bought used vintage regulators that were lubricated with silicone grease back in the 70’s and when I open them, the grease looked and felt as good as new.
I don't find it difficult to clean metal parts that were exposed to silicone grease. O-rings don't need to be degrease, they get replaced.
Not that I don't believe it. The industry uses it for a reason. But it sure doesn't feel like the best lubricant by touch. That is what puzzle me.
The industry also recommends rebuilding regulators far too often, which is absurd (if a regulator is cared for properly). From a mechanical engineering point of view: ” If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.”
If you service your regulator every year or couple of years then it probably doesn’t matter much which lubricant you use (with the exception of cost, but for a first stage that is very little as mentioned by others). I have too many regulators that will not need service for at least a decade or two. For this application, silicone grease is the best lubricant that I found. I have been using silicone grease since the 70's and I just haven't found anything better (and not because I haven't looked).