For a newbie, this is fascinating stuff. Take a step back and consider this...what do you think would happen if the makers of parachutes implemented a policy that didn't allow parachutists to pack or repair their own chutes? That chutes had to be taken to an approved dealer with factory certified training to repair and pack chutes. The company lawyers would tell them you're nuts to consider such and idea! By putting corporate controls on repair and packing your increasing your liability for a wrongful death suit.
You can buy hang glider and parasail kits and put them together and repair them your self.
I think all we are dealing with here is Scuba companies and Scuba lawyers are comfortable with the things the way they are.
But Darwin taught us that species that adapt survive!
I wonder what would happen if ABC Scuba Company bought out DEF Parachute Company and GHI Hang Glider Co and then asked their respective corporate lawyers to hammer out a common policy?
You can buy hang glider and parasail kits and put them together and repair them your self.
I think all we are dealing with here is Scuba companies and Scuba lawyers are comfortable with the things the way they are.
But Darwin taught us that species that adapt survive!
I wonder what would happen if ABC Scuba Company bought out DEF Parachute Company and GHI Hang Glider Co and then asked their respective corporate lawyers to hammer out a common policy?