Okay, I thought about this all day. I've been in a horrible mood because of it.
I called LeisurePro this morning and told them that my regs are 5 months old and not holding an IP. I told them that to get them fixed, I had them serviced, and the problem is actually
worse now. I told them that I could take them back to the place that did the work, but I don't trust them now and that these stupid things should still be under some sort of warranty. I seem to remember that they came with a 1-year from LP... I couldn't remember.
The dude on the other line listened for a few minutes, and in typical NYC fashion said, "Let me get this straight - you bought regs 5 months ago and now they don't work."
"Send them to us. We'll have our techs look at them and fix them. If they can't be fixed we'll send them back to ScubaPro. ScubaPro will either fix them or replace them - their call."
He then gave me a return authorization number and some specific instructions.
Best case scenario: I can expect my regs back in two weeks. Worse case is
supposedly four weeks.
...So I mulled all day if this was the option that I wanted to take. The bottom line is that I ain't goin' back to Savannah to take more abuse. I played over and over in my mind all day when Mr. A-hole said to me, "I wouldn't want to dive with you, buddy." I wish I'd thought to say, "With an attitude like that, you'll never get the opportunity."
Whatever. The more I think about the way they treated me, the more smoked I get about it.
...Anyway, so I thought about the LeisurePro route or another option - sending them straight to EE and knowing that they're done right. Of course, I would definitely be out some money with that option... Assuming that they just do another service, I'm probably looking in the $100 range again... Which would bring my total up to $220 to fix a part that costs $120 brand new. That just doesn't make any sense.
In terms of fixing it myself... There's no doubt that I want to learn how to do that. I will definitely buy the tools... But I want my regs fixed sooner than that... And there's no doubt in my mind that getting a full set of the right specialized tools to work on that first stage is going to take longer than simply sending this stuff off.
Okay - so I'm sending these back to LP. I reassembled everything and put the original short hoses back on, complete with their built-in hose protectors. The Dive Locker would be so proud.

They sure are pretty like that.
...But in the meantime, I'm going to work on equipping myself properly so that this issue never arises again. I'm going to learn this stuff and get the right tools and the right knowlege and the right parts and do it myself from here on. Might be kind of a trick to get all that stuff, but with time no longer an issue, I can do it right and end up on top of this problem next time.
Jeez, this sounds identical to my diving... Strange how my approach to this problem has mirrored the way I dive... "DIR Psychology?" Naaahhh... :haha: