Not wading into the rig discussion, but this
.. makes no sense to us. If you are in deco, is it not per definition a technical dive that requires careful planning?
LI-er is a troll.
The answers keep changing to keep the engagement going and stroke the ego.
On the decompression:
You are technically correct, any dive plan that has required decompression stops (as opposed to safety stops) is a technical dive.
1) I don't see any evidence that this diver is doing any kind of dive planning
2) In an emergency, incurring a decompression obligation of less than 3 minutes is a grey area.
----Some argue that your computer will show 2 minutes of decompression, but by the time you get to the safety stop in a normal ascent, you are already clean.
----Some argue that decompression is super variable and the same diver could get bent doing the same dive based on hydration or how tight the gear is or a slightly faster ascent rate.
----Some argue that the tables and computers are super conservative...and so on.
----The Decompression theory forum has much better information than my dumb brain can comprehend.
Decompression Theory
3) Getting some kind of Deco procedures training. Circling back to someone like "LI-er the troll"...don't you think it may be possible that in 45 years of diving someone could pick up the necessary tools to safely perform deco on a tec-reational dive?
----Even if there is no evidence in this troll post to suggest that LI-er uses any kind of dive planning, but someone else maybe?
----The certification card is just a card.
4) Many divers are going to break the rules that the certifying agencies' lawyers have created.
----There is no SCUBA police other than the laws of Physics.
----We can't stop it. People will bust depth and deco limits. People dive beyond their limits and go solo when they shouldn't.
----Cognitive biases like the normalization of deviance, Dunning-Kruger, complacency...etc also play a role here.
----There is no "right" way to dive - you have a choice when confronted with someone like LI-er. Educate outside the water or avoid in the water. There does not seem to be any evidence that LI-er is receptive to education. The only other choice you are left with is to avoid diving with them. (Should be easy because they dive solo or a close group of friends)
5) We can all learn from this experience: What choices have we made that we can't justify logically? What mistakes are we currently making that we are too entrenched to correct? Are we making excuses and buying gear to compensate for lacking skills? What dogmatic information are we repeating?
----I am not perfect in my diving or gear choices. Who is?
Sorry for the long rant, this thread is as entertaining as it is frustrating