Suggestion Reconsider and remove the "disagree (red thumb down)" flag

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Central MO, USA
Today I am seeing the red thumb down ("disagree") flag for the first time. This must be a new feature.

I see a couple of problems with this feature: First, in the past, I (and others?) have used the blue thumb up ("agree") flag not only when I have agreed with a particular post (of course), but also to acknowledge that I have read a post, and I have found it helpful, even if I do NOT completely agree with it. I think that introducing the red thumb down ("disagree") flag is forcing a dichotomy that has the potential of being divisive and just might squelch the productive exchanges between members participating in a given SB thread--which is a second, but related, reason I think the red thumb down ("disagree") flag should be discontinued.

I recommend discontinuing this new (?) red thumb down ("disagree") flag feature.


I'm not planning to use the "Disagree" (red thumbs-down) flag. If I disagree with someone's post, I try to do it respectfully. Occasionally, I even say "I respectfully disagree." A red thumbs-down is too in-your-face. Indeed, a red thumbs-down might as well be a thumb poked in the poster's eye.

I have the same difficulty with some other flags. The "Thanks" flag lack subtlety. Sometimes you want to give a nod to someone for posting about a tragedy, and that goofy grinning face with a giant thumbs-up doesn't cut it. Even if we had a graphic artist to create custom flags, it would take too many to convey what I'm feeling when I want to thank someone or disagree or whatever.

Except for the generic "Like," which has a well-established meaning across all social media platforms of exactly nothing, I plan to mostly just "use my words" as my kindergarten teacher might have encouraged me. If I wanted to communicate in emojis, I would be on Instagram or something else not so text-based as this forum.


- Lorenzoid
When was it introduced? I only noticed it a few days ago, maybe a week at most.
It's been over a year. The "sad" emoticon was just put in, mostly because people wanted to be able to tell me they were sad about my sister being in the hospital. It wasn't my idea, mind you, but the mods are really great people and try to lift you up all the time.

Hopefully, we can disagree without being hurtful here. May users were frustrated by not being able to show their disagreement as easily as you could give a thumbs up. Obviously, in a perfect scuba world, it would not be a thumbs up, but an "OK" sign.

Good points. Can you anyone find some graphics or Emojis that would serve these purposes better? There must be thousands of them on the Net.

It would also be desirable if the colors were a little different to help distinguish between the Reactions on small displays. Unfortunately, the vast majority of the available icons/emojis on the Internet are exaggerated and yellow-dominant. Example:

Google: emoji images png

The "Thanks" flag lack subtlety. Sometimes you want to give a nod to someone for posting about a tragedy, and that goofy grinning face with a giant thumbs-up doesn't cut it.

We recently added the "Sadness" icon at the same time the "Disagree" icon changed. "Sadness" often works for the OP in a Passings or A&I thread but "Thanks" can work better for some subsequent posts. However, in that case wouldn't "Like" work just as well?

There are even more times I want an enthusiastic "Thanks", but a little more subtle version could serve both situations.
It's been over a year. The "sad" emoticon was just put in, mostly because people wanted to be able to tell me they were sad about my sister being in the hospital. It wasn't my idea, mind you, but the mods are really great people and try to lift you up all the time.

Hopefully, we can disagree without being hurtful here. May users were frustrated by not being able to show their disagreement as easily as you could give a thumbs up. Obviously, in a perfect scuba world, it would not be a thumbs up, but an "OK" sign.

So just the emoticon has changed to the red thumbs down?
So just the emoticon has changed to the red thumbs down?
I don't think so, and @Akimbo can answer that one for you! :D
So just the emoticon has changed to the red thumbs down?

Yes, it changed from this: :disagree: to this:
at the same time the "Saddness" Reaction was added. Here is the suggestion that made it happen:

Yes but only on desktop, I still see the face version on my phone.

I noticed that some devices and browsers "cache" things in memory differently. Does it change if you force a "Reload" of the browser or use a different browser?
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