blesi varney:Since its inception, B&B has always let instructors go free and with their students at a discounted rate.
Yes, I believe nearly every operator here does that. But since you opened it up... when I got my instructor cert, I knew I needed to find a boat operator to work with for some of the training, so I started calling around.
The response I got from B&B was that yes, you provided a free seat for the instructor when he had a student on board, however there were some additional stipulations like bringing the students to B&B for rental gear for all my training (not something I'm going to do -- I already have a wonderful alliance elsewhere) and also referring them to you for gear purchases. This was presented as though it was expected to be an exclusive relationship -- not something I'm interested in.
When I went in to talk about this, I happened to have just finished diving with some friends at Maui Dreams and was wearing their shirt. I was advised that if I ever happened to be on the boat that I should avoid wearing Maui Dreams or Maui Dive Shop apparel if I wanted to be allowed back.
Now to add to that, I was told by your staff that there was no "space available" options for "fun" dives that I might do, and I'd be expected to pay full price. Again, I'm ok with that, except that other operators do the sensible thing in trying to build business relationships and allow instructors to occupy an empty seat if there's one when they call the night before.
So... that's my experience with unfriendliness on the boat side... let's add the shop side while we're at it.
I've been in the shop several times and when there's no other customers and no other staff, Charlie has been helpful. However, that is rare. I recall several times when Charlie has been helping other customers and Brad is there and he just stands at the back of the store glaring at me. Considering I've never met the guy personally, this is a little off-putting.
And no, you don't have to send business our way. It's okay. Really.
And you don't have to worry... at this point, I'm not sending business your way!

It's apparent you don't like Ed Robinson nor B&B.
I have some major issues with Ed Robinson (both himself and his company) that I have experienced in the past few years. Additional information has come "through the grapevine" since I've been here that has me even less interested in sending people I care for even a tiny bit his way.
As for B&B -- you guys have done just about everything possible to push me away. It's not that I dislike you... it's just that I think better service and better product is available elsewhere.
Oftentimes, you get what you pay for -- and going with the cheapest is not the best solution.