Recommendations for divemaster course in Thailand

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Hence my setting up the poll and trying to contain it. One thread would certainly be enough.
That's irrelevant, all involved in those threads did not help promote the Thai dive industry but rather tarnish it with a dark, childish and unprofessional brush and possibly shoed potential customers away and you were in the thickst of it LK.

Thanks for nothing.

Personally I think any tarnishment is done by the original complaints and issues that are being raised, not recently by myself, but now several other people.
As I have said before it would be great if all shops would simply provide a value for money safe and profesional service and not just look upon customers as a source of income. Then the type of discussion that seems to have caused such a fuss the last few days would not take place at all.
Incidentally Arizonas poll at the moment looks like the majority wish things to remain as they are? Personnaly I think the suggestion of the 'i am a diver not a hairdresser, crack head' looks like it could be fun.

You keep going on about something that happened 7 or so years ago and despite various offers from various companies to take for a free days diving or any other suggestion to make it up, you brush them all off like they are non existing but in the same time keep trash talking them.

In my book that's really childish and shows that you're grinding an axe and have some serious grudges.

I fully agree that shops should provide a value for money and safe and professional services but you also need to be able to let things go and give them possibly a second chance. If you don't want to do that, stop going on about something that happened more than just a few years ago. If your goal is to black paint the Pattaya dive industry, it seems that you're scoring some points but you're also not doing some mores serious shops in other parts of Thailand a favor.

You keep going on about something that happened 7 or so years ago and despite various offers from various companies to take for a free days diving or any other suggestion to make it up, you brush them all off like they are non existing but in the same time keep trash talking them.

In my book that's really childish and shows that you're grinding an axe and have some serious grudges.

I fully agree that shops should provide a value for money and safe and professional services but you also need to be able to let things go and give them possibly a second chance. If you don't want to do that, stop going on about something that happened more than just a few years ago. If your goal is to black paint the Pattaya dive industry, it seems that you're scoring some points but you're also not doing some mores serious shops in other parts of Thailand a favor.

Just open your eyes and look.
It is not me over recent months that has been making the complaints. It has been coming from several directions. Are we all wrong???
Believe me, some shops have had far more than second chances from me. I will repeat. If they treated their customers fairly, complaints would not occur and discussions like we are having would not exist.
Do you think it is acceptable for people to book large parties of divers knowing full well they have insufficient equipment to cater for them??
From someones complaint on the forum, and the shops responce it would appear that this is exactly what has recently happened.
That is what has created and fuelled the current discussion on here that you are objecting to, absolutely nothing to do with what happened 7 or so years ago to myself.
Please tell me where over recent months I have mentioned, what you refer to, my Ill fated days diving that attracted so much attention on here in the past. I am very curious to know because I dont recall myself making such a post for some time.
It is not me over recent months that has been making the complaints.

That is what has created and fuelled the current discussion on here that you are objecting to, absolutely nothing to do with what happened 7 or so years ago to myself.

I am very curious to know because I dont recall myself making such a post for some time.
Yeah, fair enough. Youve never been bringing up your "traumatic experience," but Im sure your posts have a lot to do with it.

Ive been reading the Thailand forums for a while, and when ever someone comes here with a complaint (unfounded or not) about Pattaya you seem to materialize and automatically take the side of the OP.

You even brashly defend the OP's claims in many instances, even when you are probably the last person to have a legitimate word on the situation.

Youve even stepped up and gone into other forums to do this exact same thing. (malaysia- where we first "met"). Hell, youve never even BEEN to Borneo, have you? But you had something to say about your "experiences."
I have done the same on another forum on this board a number of times and had very similar responces to the ones you have had here.
Too many people that work within the diving industry and subscribe to these forums seem unable to deal with other peoples experiences and opinions if they differ from their own.
And all too often in resort diving centres I have witnessed simmilar instances where customers including myself have been treated very poorly.
Maybe there is a link between my last two paragraphs or is it simply a coincidence???

All the while youve been carrying some grudge about DC's and Dive Pro's, and Pattaya which is what I think drives you.

Seriously, grow up. Move on.

If someone comes in here with a complaint about Pattaya, or any other DC, why dont you let the DC and the customer figure it out instead of fanning the flames and passing your own grudges on?
Yeah, fair enough. Youve never been bringing up your "traumatic experience," but Im sure your posts have a lot to do with it.

Ive been reading the Thailand forums for a while, and when ever someone comes here with a complaint (unfounded or not) about Pattaya you seem to materialize and automatically take the side of the OP.

You even brashly defend the OP's claims in many instances, even when you are probably the last person to have a legitimate word on the situation.

Youve even stepped up and gone into other forums to do this exact same thing. (malaysia- where we first "met"). Hell, youve never even BEEN to Borneo, have you? But you had something to say about your "experiences."

All the while youve been carrying some grudge about DC's and Dive Pro's, and Pattaya which is what I think drives you.

Seriously, grow up. Move on.

If someone comes in here with a complaint about Pattaya, or any other DC, why dont you let the DC and the customer figure it out instead of fanning the flames and passing your own grudges on?

Just get over it, others may have differing experiences and opinions to yourself.
I shall continue to voice mine wether you like it or not.
And as I have said to you before please do not be so arrogant and rude as to tell me to not do so.
And since you have mentioned the borneo thread on here, I suggest you go back and examine fully what was posted, At the time I was objecting to yourself and others, that were simply saying what someone had written was untrue. Nothing more.
Also again you seem to be very presumptious about me with what you have written here.
But as I have said already, you are as entitled to your opinion as I am. Thats your perogative even when a lot of what you have said about me above is way off the mark.
Yet another that subscribes to the theory, 'please feel free to voice your opinion as long as it agrees with my own'.
Please examine your own actions before telling others to grow up.
So, anyone have any recommendations for divemaster course in Thailand?

Yes, and as you have said if you have read what I have written I have numerous times recommended adventure Divers and Real Divers to different people. In my mind they are the best of the shops in Pattaya.
Please in future can you fully read and digest what I have written before making false statements about me.
:rolleyes: MOVING. ON....

Ive heard quite a bit about Lanta Diver's courses. Theyre pretty professional. Great boats, well organized. Good diving as well. I know a few people whove done their DM and IDC there. They produce some good Pro's.

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