The IANT rec trimix can be combined with the advanced nitrox course in which case limits for training dives are 150 ft with a limited amount of decompression and one decompression gas.
This is the class I'm in now.
I'm doing the class with doubles and a 40, but IANTD allows it to be taken with a single tank with H valve and a 20. The whole thing isn't about, is it rec or tec or pseudo whatever? It's about saying, what is the best mix for this particular dive?
If you want to do a dive to 145' to swim around a wreck, what is the best gas(es) for that dive? You might not say this is strictly a deep water tec dive, but not too many people would disagree that some HE in the mix would be an advantage, along and some higher O2's to off-gas.
So where do you draw the line on adding HE? 130'? 120? It absolutely depends on the diver and the conditions and the comfort level of the diver.
Also, things are easily manageable with some minor narc-ing, until it really hits the fan. Can you say absolutely that at 120' in the cold/dark/current/whatever that you will be at your best if your buddy really needs you?
I don't think I've met anyone in this rec/tec mid-line that is in it for the ego-factor as suggested. Again, it's about the right (safest) mix for the dive.