Blue Dolphin:
Don't know if you've already made your decision but here are some things to consider. Some of what I say has probably already been stated by others.
Originally, i was going to purchase a DC suit. However, when I visited the dealer, he just started carrying DUI suits and recommended that I go with DUI over the DC (I won't bore you with details, but it essentially had to do with fit and service). In the end, I went with a Signature FLX50/50.
While it is true that DC may make a truly custom suit, while DUI fabricates a "custom" suit from the best fitting pre-exisiting stock pieces, I have heard that DC takes an inordinate amount of time to finish their suits. And if anything is wrong with the suits, that repairs take a while also. I can tell you from first hand experience that DUI will do everything to make you happy when you purchase one of their custom suits. I had to get my suit remade twice since my dealer didn't measure me correctly. Each time, DUI paid for the shipping back to their facilities and for shipping to me. The new suits took approximately 3 weeks to get to me. If I had any problems or questions, DUI was only a phone call away and always responded to my e-mails and concerns within 24 hours. I don't know how DC's customer service is, but I can vouch for the excellence of DUI's service (as I'm sure many others can).
Some miscellaneous notes on DUI suits:
- Rock boots are a toss up and it comes down to preference. If you want Rock Boots, and don't want to deal with laces, you can replace them with bungees. Or, you can just use a "lace keeper."
- I don't know about the telescoping torso trapping air deal. Lots of folks have a telescoping torso and deal with buoyancy just fine.
- If you want to replace seals easily, you can purchase the Zip Seals. But they come at a premium.
- For dry gloves, you could use systems from a variety of manufacturers; including DC, Viking or Skaana.
- If you want a light, quick dry, less durable suit, go for the TLS350. For almost the opposite, get a CF200.
My advice is, if the money doesn't matter a whole lot to you, then I would go for a DUI suit. You get what you pay for, and will make you happy for many years to come. I've never heard anybody complain about their DUI suits, other than about the initial cost. (Well, and other small things, like dump valve location, etc. but nothing major =)