DiverBuoy once bubbled...
I'll take your advice, and if I can ever get into a DIR rig I'll get a chance to see the advantages of the long hose.
I think the long hose is great.I recently converted to a dir setup about 6mos ago.I should be taking DIRF real soon as im just waiting for them to decide when to give the class.Its suppose to be dec/jan time frame.
I was real skeptical about the whole DIR thing at first.The more i read and learned about it, the more sense it made.With lots of help from Pug(thanks pug for answering my zillion pm's on dir diving and equipment) i am fully diving dir and enjoying it.Everything just fits so nicely and has its own little out of the way spot.
Now i just have to get my wife to do the same which isnt gonna be easy .She basically doesnt give a crap about a long hose or dir gear configuration.....lol.She just wants to dive.She is a very safe diver and has good equipment but i just cant talk her into that long hose or a bungeed back up reg.