Ratio Computers - No Support at All

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I own a Ratio iX3M 2 Tech+ computer for almost a year. Dove with it around 40 times. I'm the first owner of it.

1. Buttons lost their clicky feeling. First 2 buttons are not clicking any more and they travel a little distance until they are pushed(unlike other two, which travels a lot). It happened by itself. Yes they work fine, but I'm concerned. Is that normal and should I be worried? I never dropped it or hit it anywhere, no damage to it. I've always rinsed well with fresh water after each dive, I'm sure there are no salt problems. Even if there is, placing the computer in fresh water for a day didn't fix it.

2. Transmitters are not working very well. They constantly show invalid values while diving. For example, when I have 150 bar air, suddenly it shows 170 bar or something, I wait 5-10 seconds and it drops down to 150 again which is valid. Sometimes it shows lower. I'm diving sidemount with 2 tanks and 2 transmitters, this happens to both transmitters during the dive multiple times. It is possible to see that on dive logs: Screenshot - Screenshot - Screenshot - Screenshot - these are some examples. There is no dive without this issue.

When I email them about these issues, I get no reply at all. I e-mail them, I tell them on instagram that I cannot get a reply from them but still no reply on instagram or email.

Just wanted to inform you folks, computer is good but problematic and no one is there to support you. They don't even care enough to reply. I'll be ditching the computer very soon.
Well that truly sucks — I just got an icolor deep + transmitter 2nd hand for my gf and we’re planning to dive it in a couple of weeks in Tenerife, and your experience doesn’t give me too much confidence in either the AI nor support if issues arise

I will keep an eye out on the issue and see if we run into similar trouble, thanks for the heads up

I'll get on their case and send them an email with a link to this post. I'll give them hell myself if they don't act.

I'll do it either later tonight or tomorrow.

Please send me a PM with you email contacts.

I own a Ratio iX3M 2 Tech+ computer for almost a year. Dove with it around 40 times. I'm the first owner of it.

1. Buttons lost their clicky feeling. First 2 buttons are not clicking any more and they travel a little distance until they are pushed(unlike other two, which travels a lot). It happened by itself. Yes they work fine, but I'm concerned. Is that normal and should I be worried? I never dropped it or hit it anywhere, no damage to it. I've always rinsed well with fresh water after each dive, I'm sure there are no salt problems. Even if there is, placing the computer in fresh water for a day didn't fix it.

2. Transmitters are not working very well. They constantly show invalid values while diving. For example, when I have 150 bar air, suddenly it shows 170 bar or something, I wait 5-10 seconds and it drops down to 150 again which is valid. Sometimes it shows lower. I'm diving sidemount with 2 tanks and 2 transmitters, this happens to both transmitters during the dive multiple times. It is possible to see that on dive logs: Screenshot - Screenshot - Screenshot - Screenshot - these are some examples. There is no dive without this issue.

When I email them about these issues, I get no reply at all. I e-mail them, I tell them on instagram that I cannot get a reply from them but still no reply on instagram or email.

Just wanted to inform you folks, computer is good but problematic and no one is there to support you. They don't even care enough to reply. I'll be ditching the computer very soon.
Welcome to ScubaBoard.

Both issues you describe happen to me too, but I can live with them. One of my buttons have lost its clicking feeling, but otherwise it works so, I let it be. Also, my AI occasionally gets wrong values (in my case lower than real - which is a bit scary) but again it only happens sporadically.

In the past when I needed support, they did reply on time (usually once a day). Which e-mail you send them your requests to ?
I have the same issue with my transmitters. I have two transmitters that consistently report the bar/psi going up and down throughout the dive. Sometimes the pressure will jump 50bar/700psi and then come back down. I have two different computers too. An IX3M Tech+ and IX3M GPS Tech+. It does it on both computers. This started after the latest software update. Otherwise they had been working fine for 4+ years.

I've changed channels, disabled auto set, changed the gain, etc.. without any success

Attached is what it looks like in Subsurface.


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When I email them about these issues, I get no reply at all. I e-mail them, I tell them on instagram that I cannot get a reply from them but still no reply on instagram or email.

Check your Junk and Spam folders...
There are a lot of people seeing this transmitter inconsistency, myself included - albeit not as bad as some others have seen. Keep sending these to support. They do listen.

I also had a similar button issue with my iX3M. A couple of the buttons felt "spongy". They didn't give that nice positive response click that they used to, and sometimes needed a slightly hard press. I described it via support email, and they offered for me to send it in to evaluate and repair. After a couple of back-and-forth emails, I ended up paying them the difference for an upgrade to the GPS model. Then sent the new one out to me immediately and I sent my old one back.

Unlike some reports on SB, I've have nothing but good response from Ratio's support.

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