I did not have the vest in Fiji as I expected warmer temps. I was fine in Taveuni, but it was a bit colder in Volivoli (and wickedly windy). A few people had the 5mm Reactive and were good (though added hoods towards the end). I really like the suit - fits well warm enough for most of my diving - but may pick up a 5mm Reactive as well at some point.Thanks for the reply? Did you not have the vest in Fiji? And how do you like the REACTIVE 3MM? I just ordered a 5MM and a 3MM but I think the 5 may be overkill for that area. I don’t get that cold but I do not go 4-5 times a day for ten day’s even in Cozumel.
What was great was the Sharkskin Hoodie I picked up before the trip - was awesome to keep me warm between dives and on the way back in.