I picked up a R109 from a local shop that was going out of business. The reg, which has not been converted to a balance adjustable, was supposedly serviced by a local tech prior to the sale. I have some reservations about the tech's work since the octo that came with the set-up was adjusted so poorly that the purge button did not engage the lever. Anyway, If I put the R109 in a bucket of water under pressure, I see big bubble about every second coming from the mouth piece. I've adjusted the knob all the way in and it it still bubbles. I adjusted the orifice and it still leaks. I figure it either has to be a bad seat (which I think is unlikely because it seems that at some point it would seal even with a cut in the seat) the orifice or the oring on the orifice. I'm leaning toward the oring being the problem. What do you think? Also, what is the preferred method for removing the orifice from the chamber? This is a plastic orifice and I don't want to damage it.