When you actually lift something, it's a guessing game. You guess what size bag(s) you will need, and you make sure you bring enough. Then you add air a little at a time until you can move it.
Say some sailors lost an anchor, and you were tasked with bringing the thing up. You ask the sailors how much it weighs, they scratch their head and estimate it at the 175kg given. Like @CT-Rich says, there's no sane way to get the actual volume, but luckily they know what it's made out of. So you Google the material, and find out that its density implies that it would displace the 115 liters of water (don't ask me why they're using an anchor made of Delrin, maybe they were drunk, who knows). OK, so now we have our practical setup in the given question.
My practical follow-up question is, how many lift bags would you bring, and of what type?
Surely you would want to bring a little extra, so a single 55kg bag would be out of the question. On the other hand, bringing two 55kg bags seems dangerous: you might fill the first bag close to capacity (say 75%), which brings the anchor close to neutral, then slap the second bag on, fill it to say 25%, and now the system is positively buoyant. At that point you start bringing it up, both bags will expand, which will continually accelerate the ascent rate, possibly creating a very dangerous situation as the 175kg reaches the surface at high speed, possibly bringing you along with it. If the bags have OPVs then you will guarantee a maximum total buoyancy (and therefore ascent rate), but how would you know that it's not dangerous?
Instead of a small number of large bags, it would seem safer to attach a bunch of smaller lift bags with OPVs, perhaps 8 bags of 8kg each. Then completely fill each bag, one at a time, until positive buoyancy is achieved. This way, the maximum buoyancy of the system will be roughly +8kg, which hopefully will guarantee a safer and more manageable ascent rate. On the other hand, having 8 little bags hanging off our anchor might pose an entanglement risk, so I'm torn.
What would you lovely folks do?