Wow everyone - thanks for the excellent information!
There will be three of us going on this trip myself, my husband, and my sister. DH and I have about 25 dives thus far and my sister has about 10 total dives (I think this is right- if not she reads the board too and will correct me I'm sure

). We just completed AOW last month (here in the cold quarry :frosty: )and while we have some experience with boat/ocean diving and are definately quite capable of planning our own dive and diving the plan, we still prefer to be with divers who have more experience than we do. Not looking for someone to be "responsible" for us.. just someone who could kind of be another set of eyes, to help point us in the right direction if we stray, discuss the dive with afterward, and maybe provide pointers of what we did that we may need to change. Plus its always nice to dive with and learn from others who have more experience and are willing to tag along with us newbies!
We are only planning on taking the bare minimum in clothing (2 swimsuits, 2 shorts, 1 pant, 3 shirts, raingear and the necessary personal items). I got a couple of microfiber sports towels and we will be taking those along instead of beach towels as they dry faster and won't take up the whole duffle bag

. Also got some spring clips for hanging stuff up to dry. For sun protection, we are taking hats, sunglasses and some eco friendly screen I purchased for a Cancun trip last month that works quite well.
As far as dive gear, we are taking all of our equipment (except of course tanks and weights), as mentioned already myself and my sister will be diving with a full 3mm suit but DH is going to dive with a .5mm suit/skin as he stays much warmer than my sister and I do. We will also be bringing our Oly 5050z camera and housing, and a RoadStor (CD burner type thing to avoid bringing the laptop) for downloading those full memory cards too after the day's diving is done. So hopefully we will have some pictures to go along with the trip report when we return!
Less than a week to go... hoping that the hurricanes take a break and we have nice weather and a smooth ride :biggrin: