How is the weather in the off-season (hurricane-on season) on average? What are the odds of a TS or Hurr in August historically? lol
Traditionally, the statistical peak is mid-September. That was when I traditionally would head to the Brac...and even though we've been going down in the spring for the past few years, I still would go down in the fall - - the heat of the summer has passed, but the water is still quite warm. Yes, there's the risk of a cyclonic event, but in 20 years of fall visits, we only got 'hit' once (
Lily in 2002). And if we add in the "just plain lousy" days where the weather caused diveboats to be cancelled, I think our count is at perhaps ~8 days out of nearly 300 days on-island.
How many flights would I be paying for? Miami to GC then separate Otter flight to LC?
Unless you can find a custom charter, the only air service to Little Cyman (LYB) is Cayman Airways (KX)
Coming from Miami, you could choose to stay on Cayman Airways (KX) for both of the flights you need, which might be a bit less expensive than having Carrier "A" into Grand Cayman (GCM), then CAL over to LYB. There is the occasional (once per week?) direct MIA-CYB flight to the Brac, but this is only on KX and IIRC it is generally only run as MIA-->CYB ... for CYB-->MIA, you'll be compelled to do CYB-GCM, then GCM-CYB.
If you get a US carrier to get you to GCM, figure that the cost of a round-trip ticket GCM-LYB to roughly be around $150; less if you catch a sale.
..Assuming no Tropical Storm, weather generally is light ESE winds with highs in the mid to upper 80s and lows in the upper 70s to around 80. Chance of rain 20% every day for brief but intense showers.
Generally, this means northside diving (Bloody Bay & Jackson's), which is what most people going to Little Cayman will want. There can be a few days of higher winds & seas on the southside, which can make the diveboats' daily commute out of South Hole Sound and aound the point to the protected lee (~10 minutes or so) potentially a bit rough.