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Scuba Instructor
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# of dives
1000 - 2499
Hello Everyone!

I have a question for yous guys. I went to the orientation at LDS for a PADI DM class, got all the info, costs, schedules ect. To get started i gotta bring in credentials, signed medical questionaire, payment and logbooks documenting 40+ logged dives.

I have 80ish lifetime dives, all not documented, that's where the hiccup is. I hope you guys can help me sort it out.

Here are the facts of my case:

My Sunnto Dive Manager has 40 logged dives on it (some may not be long enough to be counted)

The paper dive log i have now has dives 25-50 logged on it (these are all in the SDM log as well)

My first 17 dives I have logged in a txt file on my Laptop (ala Doggie Howser MD) I did this to have a copy in case I lost my logbook, but I lost interest in doing this part and stopped.

The OW training book that had dives 1-12 has long disappeared into the ether...12-24 are in a box somewhere in my families house in PR- if it hasnt gotten thrown away. At one point those did show my logs at the shop (now closed) and C-Card was updated with "25 or more" logged dives. At that point I didn't bother to log dives anymore. Then took a long break.

I moved NC wherre I got interested in diving again, got more training and started keeping a log again...


That leaves me at 40 (from the SDM)


25 from the paper dive log, 17 from the txt file makes 42...

Am I looking at this the right way? should I transfer the 17 into a proper dive log?

You should be fine with what you have.

Until July you can still start the DM course with a mere 20 logged dives, after July it is compulsory you have 40.
The 40 on your SDM: To count as a dive with PADI, it has to be deeper than 5m for the majority of the dive. And the dive either has to be 20 minutes+ or until you breath 1400 litres/ 50 cubic feet of air. So you're probably in the clear.

However get into the habit of logging your dives. As a DM you are supposed to be role-modelling to other divers, so they should see you filling out some kind of logbook, even if it is only notepad with the basics.
I don't think anyone is going to perform a formal audit. They will ask for what you have and look it over and you should be fine but be sure to log everything during and after class.
Thanks guys. In this case the shop is going with the 2011 standards. I was wondering if I was going to have to send my mom to look through old boxes! I have been very good about logging since I started back...
the course instructor / training manager will be able to tell in 5min whether you have the capacity to begin the course.

whether they then let you go on and do the course is a different story.
Until July you can still start the DM course with a mere 20 logged dives, after July it is compulsory you have 40.

Sort of.....

The prerequisite amount of dives depends more on which course (old or new) is being taught. If the shop has the new materials and is teaching the revised course, then the prerequisite is 40 dives, regardless of the date. If the shop still has the old materials, and is running the 'old' course, then the prerequisite is 20 logged dives.

By July 1st, the new course MUST be implemented. The course CAN be taught as soon as the new materials are available in your area tho'....
I had a similar question when I started on DM. My diving has been spaced over quite a few years and some of the ratings earned are no longer available. My first c-card was earned in 1971 and the last needed for DM was earned in 1980. So to prevent surprises I complied all my info, photo copied my cards, and sent it off in an email to PADI HQ. A few weeks later I received an email verifying my eligibility and that I could use this to show to any instructor.

I recommend if you have a serious question on your prerequisites that you discuss it with your potential instructor and if there is still any question you can write PADI.
I recommend if you have a serious question on your prerequisites that you discuss it with your potential instructor
This is the best advice! In the end, its your instructor you'll have to show that you lived up to your end of the bargain.

I would offer this suggestion to all Dive Master Wannabes...

The minimum is 40 dives, but most divers really need 100+ dives to really feel comfortable in the water and look that way. This is a professional certification, so you may very well have people depending on YOU to help out under various conditions. In order to benefit the most from your DM experience, you should already be able to:
  • perform a rescue in most conditions
  • manage yourself in a wide variety of water conditions
  • have a good situational awareness
  • have impeccable trim and buoyancy
  • have complete competency over your gear
  • able to handle task loading
  • perform all of your BOW skills easily and on demand
You'll find that if you have these down BEFORE your class, then you won't be playing "catch up" and you will be able to focus on the real important part of the class: learning how to herd kittens. :D
G'day guys,

The text documents are fine to be transfered int your log to make up your count. These days most candidates use digital logs
downloaded from their Dive computers. So this will be fine. :)

If the Instructor requires them to be buddy verified logs, then a good option to use, is get the candidate to sign a legal document stating that they have completed more than the required. People loose log books all the time, and it is impossible in some cases to expects a candidate to provide a logbook in that case.

I logged my first 600 dives and then had my bag stollen from my car along with my log books, I wanted to then do my instructor course and didnt have anything at all. So that is what i did.

If you are in Australia there is a document called a Statutory Declaration, that is a legal binding document that i have used with some of my candidates in the past in exactly the same situation.

This is what we use here if need be:

It is co-signed by a 'justice of the peace'.

And as Bracko states... If you are not telling the truth about the number of dive the PADI Instructor or PADI Course Director will know in 5 seconds anyway! As soon as you jump in the pool for the Skill Demonstration Workshop, your experience will be soon be evident.

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