Now why would I try something that we both know I would fail?... and probably horribly

... I only use the term merit badge because I feel like the internet could teach me everything I ever wanted to know about the fishes. I don't personally do well in a class setting and I like to figure things out on my own.
Obviously I'm just razzing you about the merit badges I get it. You're 100% correct, I don't know my fish... we were talking about DS's and AOW, both of which I don't think you need a cert. for. If someone could choose between 20 dives out of OW @ a benign dive site or AOW I think just about everyone would feel better hitting dive #20 then they would dive #5 in AOW.
That's been my experience.
Just my 2 cents, I am by no means an expert on anything!! And my experience is for sure not the only way or even right for everyone.
Your classes have always sounded top notch,... but that's not the norm. We see it on SB all the time. AOW was merely 5 more measly dives with an instructor. I don't know of anyone I've met (which is somewhat limited) that got anything out of AOW. You (among others) are the exception, not the norm.