Question and Answer (a game) part 2

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Always wnated to hit the Amsterdam Diamond Exchange, but some guy beat me to it.

I guess I'd do a lot of lurking around drug lords and anonymously let the feds know all the info.

What one activity of the Human Species would you end if you could?
Why are those little bastards so mean?
I always take advice with a grain of salt. Right in the eye, usually shuts 'em up for awhile.

Hahahahhahaaaa!!! Now THAT's funny. :) I was having a couple of signs made for my new shop - one of them said, "I'm a-lookin' at my gauges, and my "Don't Care" meter is in the red." I'm gonna have to take your quote above and make a sign out of it, too. LOL!

I'm currently trying to bum enough gas money to get to your house for dinner.

Sweet! Doors are open, just c'mon in anytime. :) Mi casa, su casa. :D

Hey, and thanks for playing.

Hahahhhaaaaa... The only possible positive response. Nicely done! :)

What's your favorite band of all time?

Alabama 3 (known as A3 here in the 'States). I've been listening to them for over a decade, and I am still mesmerized by their totally unique sound. :)

They're best known for the Sopranos theme song ( YouTube - The sopranos intro ) and for a song called, "Too Sick to Pray" from the Nick Cage movie, Gone in 60 Seconds, but I've got a dozen other favorites from them, including the only scuba-related song that I've ever heard them sing:

What one activity of the Human Species would you end if you could?

Making excuses. As a cancer survivor, I can tell you first-hand that the only difference between those that fail and those that succeed is that the people that succeed tried again one more time than they failed - that's all. Those that failed, failed only because they gave up trying before they succeeded.

I get tired of hearing, "Yeah, but..." or, "I tried, but wasn't able..." The formula for success is very simple: Change something and try again. Period. That's all it takes, no matter what the task, goal, or dream is.

Who ordered pizza?
Making excuses. As a cancer survivor, I can tell you first-hand that the only difference between those that fail and those that succeed is that the people that succeed tried again one more time than they failed - that's all. Those that failed, failed only because they gave up trying before they succeeded.

I get tired of hearing, "Yeah, but..." or, "I tried, but wasn't able..." The formula for success is very simple: Change something and try again. Period. That's all it takes, no matter what the task, goal, or dream is.

Who ordered pizza?

I ain't ordered pizza in about three months, so it wasn't me.

As for the rest, my thinking exactly.

Actual quotes:
'You failed.'
'No, I just ain't done yet.'

My philosophies:
It's only Impossible. So It'll take me about 10 seconds longer to accomplish than if it were nearly impossible.

How do you go fishing in a hurricane?
Row harder.

If you beat your head against a brick wall long enough, and hard enough, eventually one of them will give way.

For years I struggled with learning to write patents because that was the roadblock keeping me from moving ahead. But I learned to frickin' write 'em! And I also bought a program that helps write patents.

If situation parameters are untenable, alter situation parameters.

A friend once said, 'You don't know 'Stop' do you?'.

Keep strivin' SeaJay, I've lost loved ones to cancer, and admire the suvivors.

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