Question and Answer (a game) part 2

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I'd rather keep it to myself. :D I have dozens like that. If I want to share, I'll invite you. :D

I used to share all the time - I got tired of cleaning up the boat myself (after the dive), supplying everyone with air (with them conveniently forgetting to pay for it), and paying for fuel with no help from anyone else. After a couple of dozen people started leaving their gear on my boat so that I could clean it, I said, "Enough."

Diving's much better now. If I want to dive with someone new, I invite them... It's no longer an "open" invitation.

The other day someone coming into Hilton Head emailed me and said, "Hey, is there any diving there?"

"Nope," was my answer. :D

Many of these wrecks are still virgin and have artifacts on them that are worth money... Why should I share?

Sorry if that sounds mean - it's not just 'cause I want to be that way... It's learned behavior.

I own gobs of gear, three compressors, several boats and trucks, more than two dozen tanks, cameras, lights... And I know where wrecks are that have never been dived. With several employees, I have no shortage of qualified divers to dive with... People that I know I can trust (or I'll fire them). :D Why would I want to share everything I have, when it clearly gets abused when I do... Especially after all of the money and time and effort I've put into this stuff?

The South Carolina Institute of Anthropology and Archaeology (SCIAA - affiliated with one of my Alma Maters - the University of South Carolina) called me a week or two ago to ask me questions... They were looking for help.

"I charge $285 per hour," I said. :) Even offered them a "government discount" or a trade for certain services.

They scoffed. Told me that I somehow owed it to society to work for them for free. Lol!!! "Yeah, that's how life works. Let me know how far that gets you," I said... And hung up. :) I thought my offers were actually pretty nice - they certainly didn't offer me any deals on tuition and books when I went there... And I can assure you that I did not tell them that they owed it to society to educate me for free. Dumbasses. :mad:

It seems that when I cross the border into Florida for some caving or whatever, peoples' attitudes change... Suddenly, everyone's super-friendly and all want to share information with each other... Consequently, diving is seen mostly as a social activity.

Sorry, I don't feel that way. I used to - but got tired of being the "giver" with everyone else being the "taker." :)

The wreck I shared with you is no secret... But I have no interest in sharing it, so I don't talk about it except with individual invites.

I might feel differently if I was a professional charter service and looking to fill the boat with paying clients. :)

Do you have a copy of the "Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner" on mp3? I could add it to my collection... I can offer a trade... :) I certainly don't think that you "owe it to society." :D
Half full

What were you thinking?
Nobody's gonna take this one? :D

I don't know why you'd remember the date. Could it be your anniversary?
Nah, Santa shafted me last year. That guy really sucks at his job, ain't been the same since the East Germans shot down the real one in '73.

What one superhero power would you choose to have?
Comic Geek friend has conversations like this.
I want to be able to fly
Did Aquaman serve a purpose?
Never really thought of it. Something deep fried.
What would be your last meal?
The cold heart of the hangman...

Really, I'm thinking catfish, hushpuppies, cornbread, collard greens, black eyed peas and sweet tea. An a hamhock.

Who's the dream girl that does it for ya?

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