Question and Answer (a game) part 2

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Glad it was enjoyable . . . I so suck at golf that I got kicked off the course the last time I played . . .yeah, I did.

Hope you are able to rest well tonight so tomorrow isn't so stressing.

3 books going at the moment: Bio on Abraham Lincoln; historical book on Egypt and a mystery that is so bad I can't finish it . . but I refuse to quit so I suffer through it.

Glad it was enjoyable . . . I so suck at golf that I got kicked off the course the last time I played . . .yeah, I did.

Wow, ScubaBoard muntineer and golf course rebel. And you seemed like such a nice person.

How did BettyRubble get booted off a golf course (they don't do that just because you a talentless)?
Yeah they do . . seems my inability to hit the ball had caused a back up that the 4 some behind us caught up to us and was rather impatient for us to clear the hole and it didn't help that we got to laughing so hard about the whole thing that one of us was literally rolling on the ground, I was still trying to whack the stupid ball . so we offered for them to play through - you know go ahead of us so they did . . except the whole thing repeated itself at the next whole -- yep the next group caught up with us except by this time a complaiint had been made to the course dude (manager or whatever is title is) I assume by the 4 we let play through . . so when the next group caught us the manager dude was coming up behind them . . . we let them play through and then the manager dude politely suggested that we call it a day and hit the 19th hole. . . I think he thought we were already wasted - we weren't and anyone who hangs with me knows I don't need to drink to have fun. . . but we decided we better heed the suggestion. . . since we werent' conducting ourselves appropriately and I couldn't hit the ball to save my life anyway. Funny thing is we had a blast that day.
Glad it was enjoyable . . . I so suck at golf that I got kicked off the course the last time I played . . .yeah, I did.

Hope you are able to rest well tonight so tomorrow isn't so stressing.

3 books going at the moment: Bio on Abraham Lincoln; historical book on Egypt and a mystery that is so bad I can't finish it . . but I refuse to quit so I suffer through it.


Team of Rivals (about the election of 1860 and Lincoln's cabinet, which included his three rivals for the Republican nomination in that election. I too have a Lincoln bio awaiting. I am also reading a mystery/spy novel: Brad Thor's State of the Union. OK, but he's done better.

Who is your favorite author?
Yeah they do . . seems my inability to hit the ball had caused a back up that the 4 some behind us caught up to us and was rather impatient for us to clear the hole and it didn't help that we got to laughing so hard about the whole thing that one of us was literally rolling on the ground, I was still trying to whack the stupid ball . so we offered for them to play through - you know go ahead of us so they did . . except the whole thing repeated itself at the next whole -- yep the next group caught up with us except by this time a complaiint had been made to the course dude (manager or whatever is title is) I assume by the 4 we let play through . . so when the next group caught us the manager dude was coming up behind them . . . we let them play through and then the manager dude politely suggested that we call it a day and hit the 19th hole. . . I think he thought we were already wasted - we weren't and anyone who hangs with me knows I don't need to drink to have fun. . . but we decided we better heed the suggestion. . . since we werent' conducting ourselves appropriately and I couldn't hit the ball to save my life anyway. Funny thing is we had a blast that day.

BTW, GREAT story, though I probably would have been pissed too had I been behind you. Just kind of a golf thing. And I agree that alcohol is not necessary to have a blast.
BTW, GREAT story, though I probably would have been pissed too had I been behind you. Just kind of a golf thing. And I agree that alcohol is not necessary to have a blast.

Yeah, I can't blame the folks for being annoyed - I'm just not that into golf to really take it seriously. Haven't played since - and hadn't played that much up to that point anyway (as my skill level obviously demonstrates! :D)

Team of Rivals (about the election of 1860 and Lincoln's cabinet, which included his three rivals for the Republican nomination in that election. I too have a Lincoln bio awaiting. I am also reading a mystery/spy novel: Brad Thor's State of the Union. OK, but he's done better.

Who is your favorite author?
I'll have the read that one -- I really like Lincoln and have been fascinated by how he handled things etc. Very fascinating man.

I read alot of biographies so it is hard to say one author. But the short list is Maya Angelou, Erma Bombeck, Janet Evanovich, Frost, Lowell, Paul, James & Isaiah

Quite an eclectic group.

I have to confess that by the time I get home and finish all my stuff here I usually don't have the intellectual capacity to read real books. So, lots of fiction. I like my fantasy world. I also usually read authors until the "Jump the Shark." Among my favorites are: Scott Turow, James Patterson, John Grisham, Ken Follett. For a while also Patricia Cornwell, but she REALLY jumped the shark.

Are you in a book club?
Grisham is good - I've read most of his stuff. Some Cornwell.

Used to be - I'm a library fanatic now . . some months I read 20+ books and some months 2. Just depends on life. I ran through 18 books in June and am on hiatus right now as work is kicking my arse and I'm preoccupied by SB. .. LOL

When are you diving next?

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