Question and Answer (a game) part 2

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Oh my gosh I can't even think of a question now!!!

Oh wait, I gotta answer Orrin's question: I certainly hope flossing never goes out of style!!! Unless you are referring to thongs, in which case I hope that flossing goes out of style!

What cha think about Vick going to the Sneagles?
Didn't see that one coming. Really expected it would be the Panthers. Thought it would be more appropriate, though, for him to go to the Browns. After all, they do have a Dogg Pound!

So, what fun and exciting thing are you doing today?
Work . then more work. . . and maybe a little work .. but it's Friday so I'll be singing at 5 pm!

the standard, lot's of EXCITING meetings!, slack to pick up for others, miracles to perform (so, why, you might ask, am I on ScubaBoard instead of doing it? - multi-tasking!!!). BUT Monk is on tonight!

Do you like Monk?
Monk is hysterical .. . I don't watch it often but he cracks me up. Is the same chick playing the nurse?

So what miracles do you perform Mr. Do?
Justice!, protect people in the community, make their lives better, safer. (I also get the people in the office to get along and do their jobs - that is actually the hardest part of the job). You know, the usual stuff.

OK, when was the last time you saw Monk - Sherona has been gone for about four seasons.
I loved Sherona too. Great character and great chemistry with Monk. He has an assistant, Natalie. Took me about a full season to warm to her. The show is still good, but not as good as the early years. Hard to sustain a show like that at that level.

What is your favorite TV show?
2 1/2 Men, Big Bang Theory and/or Criminal Minds . . . and anything that shows you how something is made . . . discovery channel has some interesting 'this is how it's made' shows.


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