Most folks do not have a problem even in single tank diving with banging their heads on their first stages hard. You may be able to touch your first stage with your head all the way back.
Halcyon also has an STA that is filled with lead. You can also get a sock deal and put lead balls into it. My friend does that with his Halcyon plate.
I wish I had a TLS350 or some other kind of suit, like maybe a Santi. I would recommend checking Santi out. My Fusion fits like a glove, but it is a pain to put on. The pockets totally suck, but can be replaced, and I will be doing so. I have a CF200 that I like in many ways but it get heavy and takes forever to dry. I would recommend the Halcyon or larger pockets installed on the DUI of your choice. There are things you are going to want to carry locally that they fit nicely into the pockets. My preference is also for a built in boot like the Turbo Soles, not a rock boot or in my case Chuck Taylors.
Something I forget to mention which started being eluded to above. Sometimes we have far from tropical vis here. In fact that would be most of the time, since we have such nutrient rich water, which is what offers so much life for us to see. Therefore I would recommend color. Yellow works great! Black is terrible. Could be yellow, or blue webbing on your harness. I am not talking little blue H's either, more like the entire harness. I have seen yellow DUI TLS 350's that are easily seen underwater. Fins are one of the best places to add color. Oh and I would recommend a good heavy paddle fin in a drysuit. Something like a Hollis yellow tipped fin (The manufacturer is local!), or the tried and true Scubapro Jet fin in yellow. No matter what fins you decide on, spring straps are the ONLY viable option for shore diving in surf. Some will argue bungee works though.
Most of the folks I dive with are using a Hogarthian aka Hog setup. Here is the reasoning behind it with a simple explanation.
Equipment Configuration | Global Underwater Explorers
Yes it means diving with a long hose. Most of us dive with a can light too. When diving thru kelp, having a hose tucked tight to your body is a cleaner routing so the reg doesn't get jerked around in your mouth. Then if someone does get in an out of air situation, the long hose means a simple air share and you can decide whether to grab their chest straps, or relax and come up slowly controlling buoyancy. A can light or bright flash light of some kind brings the color out and also makes the sometimes dark water brighter. When it comes to keeping a dive team together, they are simply fabulous. If vis is poor your dive buddy will disappear within 10 feet, but the can light can be seen for 15+ feet. If you can see your buddies can light, you do not even have to look at them since you know they are right there. I never dive without mine, even in the tropics.