For those who will be fine with such a situation, good for you. For those who will not for whatever reason, I think reports of what could happen are useful, and I do have sympathy for the OP or anyone who goes through something like that. Too many people have a hard time putting themselves in other peoples shoes, and that goes both ways. But the level of hardship in any situation is quite relative to what someone is used to.
If working plumbing is the general expectation for tourists in a place, I don't think it is an unreasonable expectation for the same tourists forced into a quarantine situation. If certain things aren't available to begin with, the visitors expecting them wouldn't have come. Saying working plumbing is a luxury to many people in a place doesn't mean it's unavailable there.
And it's smart for countries to do a better job, as word gets around and it will hurt their tourism. The internet has a long memory. I know it is all challenging, but seems there should be plenty of hotel rooms and often the possibility of staying where you are. Yes you should have travel insurance or be otherwise prepared to pay for it.