I've got one that works for all of my gear. Attaching a photo with my gear hanging up drying inside. It's just some PVC pipe from Home Depot and a tray to catch the drippings, one of those plastic tubs with wheels on it people would use to store stuff under their bed.
Cost about $50 total, been meaning to paint it but haven't gotten around to it yet. Only tools needed were a handsaw, measuring tape and a plastic cup, stir stick & small brush for the glue.
Note on the top the beam to hang stuff splits about half-way down into two separate beams. This provides me with more room to hang smaller bits like mask, gloves, boots etc.. thats how the boots are staying where they are up there
I did have to use some PVC two part glue on several parts. I left a bunch of the joints on the ends and for the bars running down the center (waist height) unglued so I could pivot them. But most of the top and bottom joints are glued together so it won't bend in the middle. If I wanted a longer straight beam I could just flip it upside down as well and then hang a bunch of wetsuits if I had more and needed to dry them. It works great..
I do have a separate black tub from Home Depot that I use to wash the gear in the front yard or soak it in sink the stink inside my apartment (I don't have any type of secure yard, in a 1bdrm apartment) prior to hanging it to dry.
Last note.. because I didn't glue the sides together (just the top/bottom minus the hinges on the corners) once I'm done it completely disassembles and fits nicely into the same try that I used to catch the water drops for storage.
One last picture so you get an idea of it stored with all of my gear in the closet.
I was actually meaning to post this and hadn't done it yet .. theres my tub with all of my gear in my XS Scuba mesh roller .. the entire PVC drying rack is disassembled just below it.