Yeah you aren't going to get very far in backmount in Tsulton.
The 1996 end of line was at 495m pen. and 42m depth. On OC that took 3 summers and I don't know how many dives to get in.
In basically 2 dives I extended that by about 75m on CCR. The cave goes slightly up to about 39m and ends at a plunge pool like "bowl". Imagine a plunge pool below a waterfall in a stream. Above that is a vertical slot about 20cm x 1.5m wide that was too small for me (or anyone with enough BO on really). I had 2x 130s of 18/45 sidemounted and had dropped an lp72 of O2 and an al40 of EAN 50 on the way in. I had planned on up to a 4 hr dive with the knowledge that I could do 5hrs as a contingency. The goal obviously was to connect this with Treasure cave which is ~450m away. The impassible restriction put an end to that goal. I did end up with just under a 3hr dive, the sidewinder with it's heated scrubbers was really ideal as the scrubber heater serves as a backup for suit heat.
The road is "ok". The section I filmed with Nat's truck is some of the roughest. That was actually constructed by cavers to connect the newer cutblocks with the older 1980s era cutblock roads. It allows vehicle access to the whole Glory 'ol cave area which the dry cavers have been pushing the past few years. My viceg friends cut the ~350m trail from the road down to Tsulton that you see us carrying bags down.
We went in June on purpose after hearing that later summer conditions can get tannic. So vis for us was pretty fabulous, basically as far as the next corner in the cave (which is never more than 5-10m ahead)