Protect Lake Pleasant

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Maricopa County is attempting to add a new marina – Scorpion Bay Marina – to an already overcrowded lake. Approval of this marina will make Lake Pleasant even more dangerous – even more congested – and even Less Pleasant!

If Scorpion Bay Marina is built, it will increase traffic on the lake by about 68% - on an already congested and dangerous lake. Recently, a group of boaters, fishermen, outdoorsmen and others concerned about the environment banned together to form the Protect Lake Pleasant Coalition. The coalition is imploring Congress and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation to protect Lake Pleasant.

Please go to our web site and send an email to Congressman Trent Franks. It's easy and it’s the right thing to do. Your voice can make all of the difference.

Thank you.
Do you have an email address and form letter to send to the Congressman?
Um, like this one:

Might want to read this before getting involved:

According to the article, it appears that the Protect Lake Pleasant Coalition and is actually a proxy for the existing Marina owner.

(but I read it on the Internet so it must be true...)
Thanks, that's a good article, but for me the fact remains that I don't want a Marina there any BS aside it's my favorite local dive site and if the current marina wants to fund the lobbying to stop it being built, so be it, if even for Holcomb and Pensus' selfish reasons. And let's face it, it's all about money on both sides of the argument anyway.

I agree with this in the article
Holcomb said he only wants the federal government, which owns the park land, to undertake a full-blown environmental review of the project.

Others independent of the coalition also are calling for the Bureau of Reclamation to carry out an environmental-impact statement. They include the Arizona Bass Federation, a Colorado State University environmental-studies professor and nearby landowners.

hmm, as best I can tell from here an Environmental Assessment has already been done, with a "Finding of No Significant Impact "
Please do read that article. The coalition does have the support of the current marina, including financial support. The opposition questions his motives for supporting the coalition un-endlessly. However they do not refute any of his facts or the coalition's facts. It’s so much easier to attack one's motives. So let me put to rest their propaganda:

Maricopa County opened up the bidding process for a 2nd marina but illegally prohibited Mr. Finch from bidding. This violates federal law and the County and the BOR are being sued over this. Then the BOR again broke the law by approving the marina without doing an Environmental Impact Study. Mr. Finch, owner of the current marina, has only one demand and our coalition fully supports his demand: that the LAW BE FOLLOWED!

One, the BOR must do an Environmental Impact Study (EIS), as required by law and their own statutes. If, after the study is done they determine that the lake can handle a second marina then we will fully support that decision. However, you should know that the last EIS that was done shows that a new marina would greatly increase traffic on the lake and pollution in the lake making it too dangerous and too dirty for patrons and wildlife alike. The US Coast Guard already ranks Lake Pleasant as one of the top 15 most deadly lakes in the nation.

Lastly, Maricopa County must open up the bidding process as is REQUIRED under the law. We would gladly welcome whoever wins that bid to the lake.

You have to ask yourself why the County would go to such lengths to violate the law. What do they have to gain? Beware of politicians that sneak around handing out huge contracts through a shady process where some local businessman is given, after the bid was awarded mind you, 30 acres of land to build a hotel. When is the last time you heard of any Arizonan governmental office giving away free land?

I would urge all of you to remember that the only thing that matters is the merits of our claims. The next time someone tries to change the subject by denigrating Mr. Finch's motives or the Coalition’s motives I implore you to ask: But are they right? The supporters of the Scorpion Bay marina will, I guarantee, become speechless.
Do you have an email address and form letter to send to the Congressman?

Yes we do and it has an area for you to add your own personal comments. It is on the Contact page of the website. However, the website is undergoing some revisions and it will soon be called the CALL TO ACTION page.

You can click here to access it.

Thank you.
Basil, I'm against the marina for a couple of reasons. First, the area of the proposed marina is also my favorite dive site in Lake Pleasant. Second, I also believe that Lake Pleasant is overcrowded with boats, and have personally witnessed dangerous behavior on the lake.

However, I wonder what your motivation is. You just joined ScubaBoard and have made only 3 posts, all of them in this thread.

Would you care to tell us who you are and what your interests in this are?

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