Here is an example of where a FFM can be a liability. Me and my buddy (a PSD who likes his AGA) are at about 140' and he has the AGA along as the bottom temp is in the 35-37 degree range. His first stages freezes up resulting in a violent freeflow. He looks like an airstone at the bottom of an aquarium. We are almost but not quite in a deco situation but more importantly I am not real thrilled with surfacing where we are at (boat traffic) and would like to abort the dive by swimming out of the channel first.
Normally this is no big deal - put him either on my long hose or his backup and shut down the post with the frozen reg for a few minutes until it thaws to conserve the gas and retain as much redundancy as possible. Then surface more or less normally.
However, he is less than thrilled with removing his FFM, and in any event as I discovered later did not bring a back up mask, apparently not a PSD procedure, so gas sharing was not an option any way (and this is partially my fault for not discussing the possibilities and options prior to the dive). The situation now requires a direct abort to the surface to ensure he has enough gas to get there (and forget a deep stop or safety stop). Plus I have to go with him in case he runs dry.
In addition, the positive pressure FFM combined with a less than perfect seal and related higher gas consumption probably aggravated the heat transfer and may have been a factor in his first stage freezing up in the first place.
Normally this is no big deal - put him either on my long hose or his backup and shut down the post with the frozen reg for a few minutes until it thaws to conserve the gas and retain as much redundancy as possible. Then surface more or less normally.
However, he is less than thrilled with removing his FFM, and in any event as I discovered later did not bring a back up mask, apparently not a PSD procedure, so gas sharing was not an option any way (and this is partially my fault for not discussing the possibilities and options prior to the dive). The situation now requires a direct abort to the surface to ensure he has enough gas to get there (and forget a deep stop or safety stop). Plus I have to go with him in case he runs dry.
In addition, the positive pressure FFM combined with a less than perfect seal and related higher gas consumption probably aggravated the heat transfer and may have been a factor in his first stage freezing up in the first place.